Appendix 2
Job Titles and Multiple Intelligences Used for Students' Culminating Project
Below find sample jobs titles, description of duties and dominant intelligences that could be used to match students with their appropriate skills and talents:
Job Title: Illustrators
Description of Duties
- Decides which poems will be accompanied by which mask and artwork.
- Designs, composes art work and selects artwork to be published in anthology
- Works closely with writers and readers
Intelligence Used-
Visual Learners enjoy visual metaphors, illustrations and drawings
Job Title: Readers/ Speakers
Description of Duties
- Selects poems and poets to read at show case
- Practices reading and presenting for live performances
- Works closely with writers and illustrators
Intelligence Used-
Verbal Learners enjoy reading poetry and dramatic dialogues
Job Title: Executive Writers
Description of Duties
- Edits and improves anthology selections for style, clarity and creativity
- Helps writers add figurative language, similes, metaphors, etc.
- Selects a variety selections from individual portfolios to be published in anthology
- Works closely with readers and illustrators
Intelligences Used-
Linguistic learners enjoy writing poetry; Intrapersonal learners can work alone and enjoy editing.
Job Title: Host and Promoters
Description of Duties
- Prepares and distributes subscription and invitation cards
- Makes budget and plans menu for show case performance
- Makes plans, caters for special guests and keeps order and maintain seating arrangement
- Works closely with set-up and music members
Intelligences Used-
Interpersonal learners work well in-groups and enjoy catering to others needs and feelings.
Job Title: Music and Sound Members
Description of Duties
- Conducts music survey
- Selects and makes music play list to correspond with poetry
- Auditions and selects Dee jay and any rap or dance presentations
- Works closely with host and set up members up and set-up members
Intelligences Used-
Musical learners enjoy rhythm and creating sounds; kinesthetic learners enjoy movement.
Job Title: Set-up Members
Description of Duties
- Makes sketch layout of stage and café performance venue
- Determines and makes lists of all materials required
- Places poetry displays and decorations at poetry café
- Works closely with hosts and illustrators
Intelligences Used-
Spatial learners enjoy making layouts; Logical learners enjoy analyzing problems.
Job Title: Coordinators
Description of Duties
- Works with all committees to make sure deadlines are set and made
- Encourages and praises all workers for completing assignments
- Assists senior coordinator (teacher) with special assignments
Intelligences Used-
Interpersonal learners are great leaders and motivators.
Teacher supports all intelligences used by students.