Works Cited
1. Energy Overview, Selected Years, 1949-2006. (2006). Retrieved on July 4, 2007, from
2. Energy Consumption by Primary Energy Source, Selected Years, 1949-2006. (2006). Retrieved on July 25, 2007, from
3. Energy and Work Equivalents. (n.d.). Energy Information Administration's Energy Kid's Page. Retrieved on July 25, 2007, from
4. Lewis, Nate. (n.d.). The Future of Power and Energy in the World. Retrieved June 22, 2007, from
5. Lewis, Nathan. (2007). Toward Cost-Effective Solar Energy Use
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6. Hill, J., Nelson, E., Tillman, D., Polasky, S. and Tiffany, D. (2006). Environmental, economic, and energetic costs and benefits of biodiesel and ethanol biofuels. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103, 11206-11210.
7. Electromagnetic Spectrum. (n.d). Retrieved on July 7, 2007, from
8. What can one kilowatt hour do for you. (n.d.). Photovoltaic panels in the Netherlands. Retrieved July 4, 2007, from
9. Earth Observatory: The Carbon Cycle. (n.d.). Retrieved on July 4, 2007, from
10. Local Scale: Carbon Pools in Forestry and Agriculture. (n.d). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved on July 27, 2007, from
11. Walker, David. (1992). Energy, Plants and Man. Retrieved on May 15, 2007, from
12. Vermaas, Wim. (1998). An introduction to photosynthesis and its applications. The World and I. Retrieved on July 8, 2007, from
13. Biomass Basics. (n.d.). Retrieved on July 6, 2007, from:
14. Alternative Fuels: Ethanol. (n.d). Retrieved on July 5, 2007, from
15. Dias De Oliviera, M., Vaughn, B. and Rykeil, E. (2005). Energy as Fuel: Energy, Carbon Dioxide Balances, and Ecological Footprint. Bioscience, 55: 593-602.
16. How ethanol is made. (n.d.). Retrieved on July 7, 2007, from
17. Alternative Fuels: Biodiesel (n.d). Retrieved on July 7, 2007, from
18. LeCaptain, D. J. (2007, February 15). Production and Analysis of Biodiesel Using a Continuous Flow Reactor. Presented at Biofuels Symposium. Retrieved on July 27, 2007, from
19. Brudvig, G. (2007, July 9). Renewable Energy: Biodiesel. Presented at Yale Teachers Institute, Renewable Energy Seminar.
20. Farrell, A.E., R.J. Plevin, B.T. Turner, A.D. Jones, M. O'Hare, and D.M. Kammen. (2006). Ethanol can contribute to energy and environmental goals. Science, 311:506-508.
21. Roig-Franzia, M. (January 27, 2007) A culinary and cultural staple in crisis. The Washington Post, A1.
22. Howard, A. and B. Dangi. (2007, July/August). Biofuel's Big Bean. In These Times. Excerpted in Utne Reader.
23. Gibbs, W. (2006) Plan B for Energy. Scientific American, 295:102-114.
24. Brudvig, G. (2007, July 6). Renewable Energy: Artificial Photosynthesis. Presented at Yale Teachers Institute, Renewable Energy Seminar.
25. Katz, Abram. (2007, July 1). Here Comes the Sun. New Haven Register.
26. Kidder, Kevin. (2007, July 22) Carbon-neutral push warming up around the world. The Columbus Dispatch.
Additional Teacher Resources
Carbon Cartoons
Curriculum Resources. David Walker.
Ethanol Curriculum: Northwest Iowa Community College
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Energy Activities for Teachers And Students. Energy Information Administration.
Student Readings/Resources
A New Leaf in Time:
NPR Carbon Cartoons:
Energy Kid's Page. Energy Information Administration.
Class Resources
Computers with internet access
LCD Projector/Overhead Projector
Art Supplies: Poster board, Markers, etc.
Fabric and Velcro to make valence shell and electrons