Additional Reading And Resources For Teachers
A resource for wind turbine kits. About $35 each or 10 for $300
PicoTurbine, picoturbine-plans.htm
This site has free plans for building a turbine with your own materials.
"Environmental News". Cape Wind. July 9, 2007
Information about the Cape Cod wind farm including articles, videos, history.
Moore, Thomas Gale. Global Warming, A Boon to Humans and Other Animals, Stanford
University, 1995
This book argues that global warming is actually a good thing. This is a good reference to use in debate.
"How an Electric Generator Works" Wisconsin Valley Improvement Company
This website gives you a visual interactive model of a basic generator.
"How to Plan and Prepare Presentations". Word Doc. July 9, 2007 How_to_Plan_and_Prepare_Presentations.doc
This website takes you to a PDF article about how to plan and prepare presentations. There is no author noted and the information is useful.
Gore, Al. An Inconvenient Truth. Emmaus, Pa: Rodale, 2006.
This is the seminal book on global warming written in easy to understand language. The video of the same name is also good. The video is good for catching the students eye and interest. The book is better for more intensive study (e.g., you can spend more time on the before-and-after photos and graphs).
West, Larry. "Should the United States Ratify the Kyoto Protocol?" Ask.Com. July 9,
2007 kyotoprotocol/i/kyotoprotocol.htm
This article offers a more in depth review of the Kyoto Protocol than what most people ever see.
TIME magazine. Special Double Issue, Global Warming Survival Guide. "51 Things You
Can Do to Make a Difference". (69-100) April 9, 2007
This issue of Time magazine has 51 easy to read essays on things most people can do to shrink their carbon foot print. The issue also has other pertinent articles on energy.
Britt, Robert R. "Weather 101: All About Wind and Rain." Live Science. July 9, 2007 environment/weather_science.html
This website offers a primer in basic weather science. It is a good resource to review the nuts and bolts of weather.
Montagne, Renee, and Hamilton, Jon. "U.N. Report Suggests Ways to Cut Carbon
Emissions". NPR. July 9, 2007 storyId=10000163
Audio and written U.N. Report suggesting ways to cut carbon emissions, consisting mainly of simple lifestyle changes.
"Cycle Series: The Carbon Cycle". United Streaming. July 9, 2007 guidAssetID=71192B42-8058-4A7F-885C-BFCDC6C76962 &tabStart=videoSegments
United Streaming is a great resource for uncountable topics. This link refers you to a series of five short videos that describe and explain the carbon cycle. You may need a password to get in.
Johansen, Bruce E. Global Warming in the 21 st Century. Praeger, Westport, CT. 2006
A three-volume treatise on global warming including, books on the climate crisis, the warming of the oceans, and the impact on plants and animals.
Hassol, Susan Joy. "Teachers' Guide to HighQualityEducational Materialson
ClimateChange and GlobalWarming". National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). July, 9 2007
Top 10 things to know about global warming and an annotated list of resources
and links including some lesson plans from the Department of Energy.
"Home Page". Climate July 9, 2007
Global warming general site with links.
"Global Warming/Climate Change Theme Page". Community Learning Network. July 9,
List of sites about global warming.
Merrill Richard, Gage Thomas. Energy Primer; Solar, Water, Wind, and Biofuels. Dell,
NY. 1978
This is a classic book on basic energy issues and topics is written in relatively short chapters. It has copious pictures, charts and graphs. It also offers resources to use to put your learning into practice along with 1978 prices. The "wind" section starts on page 120.