Approaches to Teaching Shakespeare


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Objectives
  3. The Unit
  4. Strategies
  5. Classroom Activities
  6. Notes
  7. Resources – Reading lists for teachers and students
  8. Appendix 1 – Student Handout
  9. Appendix 2 - Rubric: Shakespeare's Characters: A Visual Analysis
  10. Appendix 3 – Student Handout: Characterization
  11. Appendix 4 – Student Handout
  12. Appendix 5 - Essay Rubric 1
  13. Appendix 6

Shakespeare's Characters: A Visual Analysis

Jennifer Dienna Sandoval

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:

Resources – Reading lists for teachers and students

Adelman, Janet. 1992. Suffocating Mothers: Fantasies of Maternal Origin in

Shakespeare's Plays.

New York: Routeledge

Bloom, Harold. 1998. Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human

New York: Penguin Group.

This book contains essays on every play in the Shakespearean canon. The essays are excellent for students and teachers as a study in literary criticism.

Bradley, A.C. 2004. Shakespearean Tragedy: Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear,

and Macbeth.

London: Kessinger Publishing.

McCarthy, Mary. June 1962. "General Macbeth," in Harper's Magazine.

New York: Harper's Magazine, Co.

Neill, Michael, 1989 "Unproper Beds: Race, Adultery, and the Hideous in Othello,"

In Shakespeare Quarterly 40.

New York: Folger Shakespeare Library Press.

Shakespeare, William. 1998. The Tragedy of Macbeth.

New York: Penguin Group.

__________________. 1998. The Tragedy of Othello The Moor of Venice

New York: Penguin Group

__________________. 1998. The Taming of the Shrew.

New York: Penguin Group.

I recommend the Signet Editions of the plays for the Advanced Placement classes because they contain background information as well as critical essays on each of the plays.

Sprengnether, Madelon Gohlke, 1980" 'I wooed thee with my sword': Shakespeare's

Tragic Paradigms," in The Woman's Part: Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare, ed.Carolyn Ruth Swift Lenz, Gayle Green, and Carol Thomas Neely

Illinois: University of Illinois Press.


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