Approaches to Teaching Shakespeare


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Objectives
  3. Strategies
  4. Background Information for Literacy
  5. Background Information for the Arts
  6. Background Information for Social Studies
  7. Background Information for Math and Science
  8. Classroom Activities
  9. Annotated Bibliography
  10. Notes

Shakespeare's World: an Integrated Unit for Third Grade

Catherine Perez

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:


As a third grade teacher, I teach all subjects in a self-contained classroom and this unit is designed to be used over a six week period across the subject areas followed by another six weeks of drama. It is heavily weighted toward the arts, with hands-on opportunities for drama, dancing, theater, and visual arts. It additionally has lessons in the core subject areas of literacy, math, science, and social studies. These lessons will provide interesting and challenging curriculum based tasks for students to master while they simultaneously learn about Shakespeare and the 16th century. As they study the past, I would like students to realize how much we have changed as a society, to understand that we all have a rich and interesting past and history, and to perhaps develop an appreciation for classic literature and arts through early and appropriate exposure to Shakespeare.

To begin this unit I have gone into some history and background information on Shakespeare and what 16th century England, particularly London, was like. I will need this information to teach the unit to my students so that I can explain to them in vivid detail what life was like back then. I want to be able to answer their questions, draw pictures, and spark their curiosity. I have had a lot of fun reading about 16th century England and I encourage you to have several books on hand to refer to yourself if you decide to venture into a large scale unit.

This unit may certainly be broken down into smaller chunks and applied to other grade levels as well. My class will be very heterogeneous, with reading levels ranging anywhere from second grade through seventh grade, so the activities I've chosen are easily adaptable for different skill levels. One way to make the unit more difficult for older students would be to focus more on the changes that take place during Shakespeare's lifetime between the Elizabethan period and the Jacobean period at the beginning of the 17th century, when King James begins his rule. Similarly, students could examine the differences between the Middle Ages (the time of Macbeth) and the renaissance and Jacobean periods. Furthermore, a study of the religious issues of the time would certainly increase the difficulty of the curriculum unit.


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