Student Resources
Ali, Noaman. Canada: 2000. Accessed July 2008. This site seeks topresent Malcolm X within an Islamic context. It has various speech text andphotos, but few audio resources.
Amiri Baraka. Dir. and prod. Lewis MacAdams and John Dorr. Videocassette. Lannan
Foundation, 1991. Amiri Baraka, poet, playwright, novelist, and essayist, readsfrom Boptrees and unpublished work to a college coffeehouse style audience. Heis interviewed by Lewis MacAdams. This is an excellent video chronicle forshowing students poetic delivery.
Brown, Sheree, and Douglass Johnson, Sr., Zhankanaka: The Word. Sarah Revel Books,2004. This is the story of a little girl troubled and discouraged by the crueltreatment of her peers. An insightful teacher comes to her aid, sharingknowledge, history and a word of encouragement. The book is accompanied by aDVD.
Fenton, James. "The Raised Voice of Poetry." The American Scholar. 2002. A succinctessay comparing and contrasting poet effects of English poetry readers. Heexplains the gift of voice has the audience feeling the words.
Frost, Robert. Collected Poems, Prose, and Plays. Library of America: New York. 1995.This is a wonderful collection of Frost's works. Students can easily read orresearch many of the selected works.
Furious Flower I: Conversations with African American Poets. Ex. Prod. Joanne Gabbin.Prod. Judith McCray. California Newsreel, VHS; 1998. A four-part video serieshighlighting poetry performances and interviews. This is a wonderful collectionconsider purchasing the items for lifetime use. This series is now available forpurchase in DVD format, titled Furious Flower II. This is a must own item forteachers of African-American poetry.
Holt, Rinehart and Winston. African American Literature. Austin: Harcourt Brace & Co.,1998. This is a textbook anthology of African-American writings from Africa tothe present. It offers a rich array of works for student use.
Husock, Howard. "Taste: A Standing Oration." Wall Street Journal. Eastern ed.: NewYork. April 28, 2006; W11. a short article you and your students can readtogether on what urban African-Americans professionals developed to assist ingetting young Black children to take ownership in successful speaking abilities., 2007-2008. Accessed July 2008. Aplentiful website featuring the works and life story of Dr. Bennett-Coverley.Students can see and read her text written in Patois.
Poetry Out Loud: National Recitation Contest. NationalEndowment for the Arts & The Poetry Foundation: 2007. Accessed July 2008.This site can be used for its plethora of poetry recitation resources for teachers. Itis a great website that gives teachers a practical wealth of poetry recitationinformation.
Randall, Dudley. Ed. The Black Poets: A New Anthology. Canada: Bantam Books,1971. A wonderfully vibrant compilation of African American poetry from theBlack Arts movement.
Top 100 American Speeches: Online Speech Databank. Rhetoric: 2001-2008. Accessed July 2008. This site can be used toaccess several of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., U.S. Representative Barbara C.Jordan and Malcolm X speeches. Housed on the site are both transcribed text andmp3 audio archival presentations. Students will enjoy surfing the site for morethan what the site offers.