Democracy in Theory and Practice


  1. Unit Guide
  4. Lesson Plans
  5. Notes
  6. Annotated Teacher Bibliography/Resources

I'll Vote for That, but Why? The United States Constitution and Presidential Elections

Lisa Kate Lee

Published September 2008

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Democracy is a term that is taught as early as elementary school, but what does it really mean? Many Americans consider it to be the founding principal of the United States, but it is hardly a new idea, nor is it original to this country. Derived from the ancient Greek dimokratia (demos meaning the people or masses, kratos meaning rule, power, or strength,) the connotation is basically government rule by the people. Democracy involves the belief that people are capable of governing themselves. A commitment to the belief that all members of a society have inherent human rights to life and liberty are core principles of a democratic society. American democracy evolved from the exercise of political power by the American colonists in managing their own affairs. When the King of England attempted to interrupt this local control, the colonists resisted, the Revolutionary War was fought, and the United States was born. 1 The United States is a representative democracy; instead of ruling directly, people elect those who will represent and make decisions for them. During the Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln stated that we were a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people." What better time than an election year to explore and debate these concepts with my seventh and eighth graders, who will be of voting age in four or five years?

Today we live in a world in which everyone believes in democracy. Liberal, conservative, it doesn't matter - EVERYONE believes in democracy. 2 When the United States of America was created, there was no government. Finally, over a decade later, forty men created a system which they thought would work. As English subjects, these "Framers of the Constitution" were fully aware of the significance of the Magna Carta of 1215, which became the centerpiece of the English system of constitutional government. When they wrote the Constitution, the Framers were mindful of the excesses and abuses by the British Crown. Only 4300 words long, based on republican principles, the United States Constitution established a federal system of government that had never been before been successful when ruling such a large territory. It is the oldest functioning democracy, and one of the oldest governments. Since that time this country has experienced multiple presidential administrations, participated in numerous wars, economic depressions, and been confronted with polarizing social issues. 3 Yet the system of government which was put in place in 1787 has endured and stood the test of time.

Because of the ideals in the Constitution which give the power to the citizens, in any government election the most important players are not the candidates themselves, their advisors, the media, or other elected officials. The attitudes, opinions, and beliefs of the American people are the most critical and important component of any election. As an educator, I believe it is essential for me to teach my students the importance of their participation in the electoral process. Our political structure anticipates and expects the equal involvement of its citizens, with no person's vote counting more than another's. Ethnic background, economic status, and gender do not impact the weight of a vote - voter equality ensures that each citizen's voice is heard as loudly as anyone else's.

A successful democracy involves individual citizens being able to do several things. Citizens must be willing to accept the will of the majority. The outcome of elections must been respected. A democratic society requires that there be no laws established which limit the freedoms of any one group of people. Minorities must be protected. The citizens of a successful democracy must obey all laws, with no group receiving special favors or exemptions. Citizens need to get involved in the process, exercising their right to speak out on issues that matter to them. Finally, in order for a democracy to function at its highest potential, citizens need to vote. 4 Providing this foundation for my middle school

students gives them an awareness of the type of citizens they can strive to become once they are the leaders of our society.

I intend for this unit to be one which engages my students in the study of the democratic process. Many Americans are not familiar with what powers are granted directly to the president by the Constitution. The beginning of this unit will explore these issues in depth beginning with the weaknesses of the Articles of the Confederation, and the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Then, as we study the Republican and Democratic platforms, students will learn the importance of knowing where they personally stand on the issues in order to make an informed decision about which candidate to endorse. My students will explore the history of the Electoral College, an institution which has been widely criticized and debated since its inception. My students are well aware of the controversy which arose in 2000 in the presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore. As a result of studying, discussing, analyzing and absorbing this information, students will then focus on voter participation and the importance of encouraging all eligible citizens to have a voice by voting. This unit will culminate with a school wide election sponsored and run by my eighth graders. I want my students to learn the difference it makes when they become informed citizens. The critical thinking skills developed as they define the issues and determine where they stand on them are lessons that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.

The school in which I teach, Chamblee Middle School, is located in DeKalb County, Georgia, approximately 10 miles from downtown Atlanta. It serves grades six through eight, with a total population of nearly 1,000 students. Our school features a resident program as well as a magnet program. Students who are in the magnet program are bused from all over the county, while it is the neighborhood school for the resident population. There is great diversity among our students, in terms of race, socioeconomic status, and academic ability. I teach social studies to students in grades six, seven, and eight. The curriculum for sixth and seventh graders in our county is world studies, with a focus on history, culture, political structures, and geography. Eighth graders are required to take an entire year of Georgia studies, in which they learn about the political structure and makeup of our national and state governments. They also study the founding of the United States, beginning with the original colonies. This unit will meet numerous state and national standards, which are listed in the lesson plans section.


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