Democracy in Theory and Practice


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. Objectives/Strategies
  4. Anticipatory Set
  5. Introductory Material
  6. Narrative
  7. The Film
  8. Classroom Materials
  9. Optional Classroom Materials
  10. Annotated Bibliography/Resources
  11. Appendices
  12. Notes

Bryce Courtenay's The Power of One: An Examination of Democratic and Other Political Values as Depicted in Literature

Elouise E. White-Beck

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:


Appendix A

(Resize these and enlarge the font to print as posters.)

Charts of Government types

Governments based on Economy & examples of countries that operate under them:

Capitalism—People run their own businesses & must buy health care, other services.

Russia has a capitalist government.


Socialism—The government owns many of the larger industries and provide health care, welfare, and education while allowing citizens some economic choices.

Norway's government is socialist.


Communism—All of the businesses in a communist country are owned by the government which provides and limits education, welfare and health care.

Cuba is a communist country.


Governments based on Politics & examples of countries that operate under them:

Dictatorship—A single leader who has not been elected and who uses force to keep control. In a military dictatorship, the army is in control; public opinion is ignored and citizens have few rights.

Iraq is run by a dictator.


Totalitarianism—Government by a single political party in total control which may prevent its citizens from leaving the country.

China has a totalitarian government.


Theocracy—Rulers claim to be carrying out the dictates of a deity which empowers them with total control of the country.

Iran is a theocratic country.


Monarchy—A monarchy has a king or queen, an inherited position, who sometimes has complete control.

Jordan is a monarchy.


Parliamentary—This government is run by members of parliament who are elected by the people. Each representative remains as long as his/her party is in power.

Israel runs under a parliamentary government.


Republic—Representatives are elected for a set period of time in a republic. These representatives make the laws.

The USA is a republic.


Anarchy—This lack of organized government often occurs after a civil war when the government has been deposed and there is no alternate government to take its place.

Afghanistan is in a state of anarchy.


Governments based on Authority & examples of countries that operate under them:

Revolutionary—The existing government in a country can be overturned through a revolution which can be mounted by a large or small opposition. If successful, the revolt leads to a new form of government.

USA, France, and the USSR all experienced revolutions.


Totalitarian—Elections in totalitarian governments simply allow citizens to vote for the only candidates on the ballot, the ones approved by the government.

North Korea is a totalitarian government.


Oligarchy/Plutocracy—This type of government limits the participation to the chosen few, usually the rich, to make the decisions for all.

Pakistan is an oligarchic/plutocratic government.


Democracy—Everyone who is eligible to vote elects all the officials. Most of the population in a democracy is eligible, with age the main factor.

India is a democracy.


Remember that most countries are ruled by a combination of two or more of these systems. The USA is capitalistic is some ways but the government does provide some services. It is a democratic republic because its citizens participate in free elections but elect officials to represent them in the Senate and House of Representatives.

Appendix B

BOOKMARK The Power of One


Appendix C

Written Assessment on Chapters 1—9 of NAME ____________________________ The Power of One Period _______ Date _____________

  1. In the style of the classic bildungsroman, Courtenay begins the novel with the image of our young protagonist at the breast of his nanny. How does the opening of the book set the tone for the story? Offer examples showing tone, paying particular attention to the first several sentences.
  2. Examine the character of the Judge. What do you know about him? How does he function as a symbol of the political climate? How does Pisskop manipulate him and how does he triumph over him?
  3. Describe Courtenay's use of Harry Crown. Why does he introduce him and what does he do that is important?
  4. Hoppie makes a brief but vital appearance in the book. Describe his personality including what he says and does, and what others say about him? Why was he so important to Peekay? What does he symbolize?
  5. The Big Hettie chapter is sad and interesting. Why does Courtenay include this? What did Peekay gain from his brief association with Big Hettie?
  6. How does Pastor Mulvery affect Peekay's relationship with his mother?
  7. Meeting Doc is a major turning point in Peekay's life. What role does Doc fulfill in Peekay's world? Describe his character using examples from the text.

Written Assessment on Chapters 10—15 of NAME ___________________________ The Power of One Period _______ Date _____________

  1. Doc's time in jail provides Peekay with many opportunities. What does Peekay learn about music, boxing, treatment of prisoners, and the unfairness of laws?
  2. What was your first impression of Geel Piet? Did your opinion of him change as your learned more about him? What is his function in the book?
  3. What effect does Peekay's success have on his integrity? Consider the letter-writing project, his win in the ring, the boots from Geel Piet and the other prisoners, and his new name, Tadpole Angel.
  4. Why does Lt. Smit invite Geel Piet to be in the photo with the boxers and trainers? Why did he destroy the pictures and the photographic plate?
  5. What are the results of the prison concert? How do these events figure in Peekay's journey to maturity? What do you make of the mix between the good and bad results of the concert?
  6. What happens to Borman? Was there magic involved? What about irony?

Written Assessment on Chapters 16—22 of NAME ___________________________ The Power of One Period _______ Date _____________

  1. The next step in Peekay's life begins at the Prince of Wales School. How does his past impact his school career? Describe his current mentor and the situation.
  2. What is the importance of being chosen by "Singe 'n' Burn"?
  3. Why does Peekay see Barberton differently when he comes home from school?
  4. How does Courtenay introduce political unrest? How effective is this?
  5. What does Peekay's fight against Gideon symbolize?
  6. Describe the crystal cave and what it means to Doc, to Peekay, and in relation to the theme of the book.

Appendix D

Project on Bryce Courtenay's The Power of One

Take what you like from the suggestions below and organize it into the type of research project you want your students to do. If you're under time constraints omit this part.

There is a wealth of information online about what used to be Southern Rhodesia as well as information and still photos from the movie and some information on the book. Students can research the food, music, clothing, religion, indigenous plant life, animals, industries, transportation, schools, and daily lives of the English, the Afrikaners, and the different groups of natives in that area in that time period.

Appendix E

(Make two lines under each of the questions before printing.)

Video Viewing Guide for The Power of One NAME ___________________________

Day One Period _______ Date ___________

  1. What are your first impressions of the film? Compare the presentation of the characters, the story, and the setting of the film to what you thought when you read the book. Describe at least one setting and tell how it is different from what you expected. How does the addition of music add to the overall effect of the film? What do you think the filmmaker had in mind with his use of music?
  2. Note one key difference in the storyline in the first day's viewing? Do you agree with the director's choice? Give an example and explain.
  3. Which character depiction do you like the most (or least) and why? Offer three examples of differences between the book description and the screen realization.
Video Viewing Guide for The Power of One NAME ___________________________

Day Two Period _______ Date _____________

  1. In this second day of viewing, do you find that you like or dislike any of the characters more or less than yesterday? Explain why and give examples.
  2. How does the filmmaker illustrate the themes of the book through the changes in the storyline? Offer at least two examples.
  3. Discuss Morgan Freeman's brief appearance in the film as Geel Piet. He has major billing in the credits but is in only a small portion of the film. How would you explain this? Think about the scene preceding Piet's death. What is the advantage of altering the death slightly in the film?
Video Viewing Guide for The Power of One NAME ___________________________

Day Two Period _______ Date _____________

  1. On this final day of viewing you should be accustomed to the many deviations from the plotline in the book. Concentrate on the character of Maria today. What was the purpose of creating that character? What functions did that character fulfill dramatically? Which character (s) from the book did she replace? How do you feel about what happened to her? Why was that included?
  2. Think about the character of Gideon. What are the major differences in this character's purpose between the book and the film? Why do you think the character was expanded in this way?
  3. Does the Judge get what he deserves? Compare how he was dealt with in the book to what happened in the film. Which version do you prefer? Why?

Appendix F

Final Written Assessment on The Power of One NAME _______________________

Essays Period __ Date ________

Take all of your notes from reading, your two written assessments, and all three of your video viewing forms and respond to the following:

  1. Literature is often adapted to the screen and many times readers are disappointed. State whether you preferred the book or the film and then defend your choice using specific examples. Use page numbers or chapter numbers for your citations. Consider character depictions, settings, portrayal of themes, and your overall impression of the story in each format. Include one concrete example for each of the four points referred to in the last sentence.
  2. Think about the book as a whole. What one moment or event is most prominent in your mind? Choose one event from the following and analyze it for literary content, tone, and style. How important is this event to the overall novel? If you had to recommend one story from the whole book, why would it be this one?
  3. Choices: The trial and killing of Granpa Chook, Peekay's time with Hoppie, Peekay's time with Big Hettie, Peekay's first meeting with Doc, The concert and Geel Piet's death, Peekay's alliance with Morrie, Finding the crystal cave, Peekay's soul-searching at the beginning of Ch. 23, Peekay's time with Rasputin, Peekay's final meeting with the Judge

  4. Trace the structure of the bildungsroman. Following the childhood portion, what events would you mark as stepping stones in Peekay's journey? What culminating event led to his emergence as a man as the close of the novel?

Appendix G

Suggestions for titles for other grades: 9 grade—To Kill a Mockingbird, Night, 10th grade—A Lesson Before Dying, In the Time of the Butterflies, Fahrenheit 451, 11th grade—The Crucible, The Scarlet Letter, Twelve Angry Men. These are titles in the Pittsburgh Public Schools curriculum and may appear in other districts' curricula. Other titles: A Gathering of Old Men, Monster, Brave New World, 1984, and Before We Were Free.


PA Content Standards for Communications: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking

All students: use effective research and information management skills, including locating primary and secondary sources of information with traditional and emerging library technologies, read and use a variety of methods to make sense of various kinds of complex texts, respond orally and in writing to information and ideas from reading narrative and informational texts and use these to make decisions and solve problems, write for a variety of purposes, to narrate, inform, and persuade, in all subject areas, analyze and make critical judgments about all forms of communication, separating fact from opinion, recognizing propaganda, stereotypes and statements of bias, noting inconsistencies and judging the validity of evidence, exchange information orally, including understanding and giving spoken instructions, asking and answering questions appropriately, and promoting effective group communications, listen to and understand complex oral messages and identify purpose, structure and use, compose and make oral presentations for each academic area of study that are designed to persuade, inform or describe, and communicate appropriately in business, work and other applied situations.


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