Bridges: The Art and Science for Creating Community Connections


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Objectives
  4. Strategies
  5. Basic Bridge Information
  6. Famous Bridges
  7. Failed Bridges
  8. Lesson Plans
  9. Bibliography
  10. Student Resources
  11. Appendix
  12. Notes

Learning by Mistakes-Bridge Failures

Shelley Freedman-Bailey

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:


"Anping Bridge (Five Li Bridge)." (accessed June

5, 2008). Good photograph of the bridge along with the basic history.

Brown, David J. Bridges: Three Thousand Years of Defying Nature. Toronto: Firefly

Books, 2005. Chronology of bridges in front. Excellent resource detailing the history of



Ceserani, Gian Paolo. Grand Constructions. New York: Putnam Juvenile, 1983.

Explains major buildings accomplishments. Useful in describing the Industrial

Revolution and the use of iron and cement in bridge building.

Cortright, Robert S. Bridging: Discovering the Beauty of Bridges. New York: Bridge

Ink, 1998. Beautiful photographs of bridges around the world.

Dupre, Judith. Bridges: A History of the World's Most Famous and Important Spans.

New York: Black Dog & Leventhal, 1997. This book gives clear, concise information

about famous bridges. Very helpful, and easy to read.

"Famous Bridges of the World." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. (accessed July 15,

2008). This article describes the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge, The Golden Gate, The Great Belt

Bridge, and the Milau Viaduct. Gives short paragraph synopsis of each bridge.

Gordon, J.E. Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down. New York and

Washington D.C.: Da Capo Press, 2003. The beginning of this book explains the physics

of stress, strain, and load. Chapter 10, "Something about Bridges", is very helpful. It

gives details not found in other sources.

Graf, Bernhard. Bridges That Changed the World. Fort Worth: Prestel Publishing,

2005. Excellent informative resource. Gives biographical sketch of builders.

Greenstein, Ruth, Bronwyn Hanna, John Haskell, Deborah Malor, John Phillips,

Thomas A. Ranieri, Mark Stiles, and Bronwyn Sweeney. The World's Greatest

Buildings: Masterpieces of Architecture & Engineering (Time-Life Guides). New York:

Time-Life Books, 2000. Limited information on bridges in chapter 6: Transport and

Communication. Good source for famous architecture.

Hamey, J. A., and L. A. Hamey. The Roman Engineers (Cambridge Introduction to

World History). New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Using black and white

photographs to illustrate, this book tells about Roman roads, aqueducts, bridges, and the

materials used.

Hickman, Kenneth. "World War II: The Bridge at Remagen." Bridge at Remagen

Ludendorff Bridge at Remagen.

www.// (accessed May 15,

2008). This article gives a one page detailed summary of the battle.

Johmann, Carol A., and Elizabeth Rieth. Bridges: Amazing Structures to Design,

Build & Test (Kaleidoscope Kids). Charlotte: Williamson Publishing Company, 1999.

Excellent hands-on resource for understanding basic bridge concepts.

Macaulay, David. Building Big. Austin: Houghton Mifflin/Walter Lorraine Books,

2000. Large detailed sketches of famous bridges and their components.

Marra, William. "How Safe Are Your State's Bridges?." ABC News. 2 Aug. 2007.

http: www.// (accessed July

14, 2008). Informative article on the state of current bridges.

Oxlade, Chris. Bridges (Superstructures). London: Belitha Press Ltd, 1996.

Discusses types of bridges. This book strength is that it clearly diagrams the specifics that make the individual types of bridges work.

Pollard, Jeanne. Building Toothpick Bridges (Math Project Series). New York: Dale

Seymour Publications, 1985. A great teaching tool detailing how to have a toothpick

bridge building contest. Gives materials price list, checks, balance sheets, and a job duty


Rickard, Graham. Bridges. New York: Bookwright, 1987.

Describes the evolution of bridges. Large print. Easy for students to read.

Stone, Lynn . Bridges: How are They Built?. Vero Beach: Rourke LLC, 2002.

Large print book containing: the history of bridges, kinds of bridges, and important bridges. Photographs and diagrams make this a quick reference, easy to read reference for students.

Tzonis, Alexander. Santiago Calatrava: The Poetics of Movement (Universe

Architecture Series). New York: Universe Publishing, 1999. Photographs, history, and

philosophy of Calatrava.

"Summary of Subject Matter",U. S. Department of Transportation, 2006 Status of the Nation. final.pdf.

(accessed July 28, 2008) Subcommittee summary on "Highway Bridge Inspections"


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