This curriculum unit is intended to complement unit three, "Vectors, Two-Dimensional Motion, and Forces," of the School District of Philadelphia's standardized curriculum for physics. It is also designed to be in alignment with several Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Science and Technology (11). These standards have been taken directly from the pamphlet entitled School District of Philadelphia Core Curriculum: Curriculum Resource- Science Grade 12 Physics. They include the following standards: applying the principles of motion and force, analyzing physical technologies of structural design to real-world problems, and applying advanced tools, materials, and techniques to answer complex questions" (12).
As outlined in the pacing schedule for the course, the School District of Philadelphia has allocated seven weeks to cover vectors, two-dimensional motion, and forces (13). As envisioned, this unit will encompass a two week time frame in which the following topics will be examined: the history of bridges, the types of bridges, and the forces associated with bridges. The majority of time, however, will be spent dealing with the third section, the physics of structural forces. The primary goal of this unit, therefore, is to have students examine the architectural design of different types of bridges and understand the forces associated with each type.