Appendix A
Connecticut Comprehensive School Health and Physical Education Content Standards
The State of Connecticut says that these are standards students should know by grade 4.
Standard 1 Comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention
E (elementary).1.4. Explore how families can influence personal health
E.1.6. Identify health problems and illnesses that can be prevented or treated early
Standard 3 Demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors to reduce health risks
E.3.1. Identify responsible health behaviors
E.3.4. Demonstrate strategies to improve or maintain personal health by examining influences and rules that affect decisions
Standard 6 Demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health
E.6.1. Demonstrate the ability to apply a decision-making process to enhance health
E.6.3. Predict outcomes of positive health decisions
Standard 8 Demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family and community health
E.8.1. Describe a variety of methods to convey accurate health information, concepts and skills
E.8.2. Express opinions about health issues based on accurate health information
E.8.4. Describe ways to encourage and support others in making positive health choices
E.8.5. Identify ways to work cooperatively in small groups when advocating for healthy individuals, families and schools