Appendix 1
North Carolina's Grade 4 Healthy Living Content Standards
COMPETENCY GOAL 1: The learner will develop knowledge and skills to enhance mental and emotional well-being. Objective: 1.05 Conclude that people have different body shapes, sizes, and other personal characteristics that make them unique.
COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will develop knowledge and skills to enhance personal and consumer health. Objective: 2.01 Identify problems associated with and measures to control common childhood diseases or conditions such as asthma, allergies, diabetes, and epilepsy.
COMPETENCY GOAL 3: The learner will develop healthy and effective interpersonal communication and relationship skills. Objective: 3.02 Demonstrate empathy for individuals affected by disease or disability.
COMPETENCY GOAL 4: The learner will apply knowledge and behavior self-management skills to areas of nutrition and physical activity for healthy growth, development, and maintenance. Objectives: 4.01 Identify the major components of the digestive system and summarize the digestion process. 4.03 Utilize the basic information on food labels to make decisions about the nutritional value of various foods. 4.04 Demonstrate the ability to plan healthy meals and snacks that emphasize the principles of My Pyramid. 4.05 Summarize the concept and the benefits of eating in moderation. 4.06 Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy eating patterns. 4.07 Evaluate the benefits of drinking plenty of water, especially before and after physical activity. 4.08 Provide examples of how the media and advertisers use persuasive techniques to influence food-purchasing decisions. 4.09 Summarize the major components and functions of the cardiovascular system. 4.10 Analyze the relationship between physical activity and nutrition and the cardiovascular system.