Urban Environmental Quality and Human Health: Conceiving a Sustainable Future


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Rationale
  4. Strategy
  5. Background
  6. Notes and Resources - For Teacher
  7. Resources for students (research) and teachers
  8. Pictures
  9. Resources - For Teacher
  10. Bibliography
  11. Appendix A
  12. Appendix B
  13. Appendix C

Considering Case Studies of Chemical Contamination

Jeffrey C. Davis

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:

Resources - For Teacher


Other interesting cases for teacher background are found at this site -


especially, "The Siting of Beard Elementary School on Contaminated Soil"

Accessed July 2008

Oil Spill Case Histories (1967-1991) Summaries of Significant U.S. and International Spills. A list of 110 oil spills with detailed information on the nature of the spill and the clean up. http://response.restoration.noaa.gov/book_shelf/26_spilldb.pdf

Accessed July 2008

This website presents both sides of the Woburn, MA lawsuit dramatized in the film, Civil Action. The information is presented as evidence, allowing the reader to decide the case as if he or she were on a jury. An audio recording introduction of the site is included.


Accessed July 2008

A brief history of WR Grace Co in the Seattle PI


Accessed July 2008

Tecton Decries Proposed Moratorium, written by Phaedra Haywood who writes for the Santa Fe New Mexican,

http://rillingsantafe.blogspot.com/2008/02/tecton-energy-llc-threatens-to-sue.html http://www.santafenewmexican.com/SantaFeNorthernNM/Tecton-decries-proposed-moratorium

Accessed July 2008


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