State Standards
Below is a bulleted list of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study objective which will be covered (some partially) through this unit:
- studying the characteristics of informational works.
- making connections between works, self and related topics/information.
- comparing and/or contrasting information.
- drawing inferences and/or conclusions.
- using effective reading strategies to match type of text.
- discussing literature in teacher—student conferences and small group discussions.
- discussing and analyzing the effects on texts of such literary devices as figurative language, dialogue, flashback and sarcasm.
- interpreting text by explaining elements such as plot, theme, point of view, characterization, mood, and style.
- recognizing underlying messages in order to identify theme(s) within and across works.
- exploring relationships between and among characters, ideas, concepts and/or experiences.
- exploring what impact literary elements have on the meaning of the text such as the influence of setting on the problem and its resolution.