Appendix A - Implementing District Standards
ELA.8.14B - develop drafts by choosing an appropriate organizational strategy (e.g., sequence of events, cause-effect, compare-contrast) and building on ideas to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing.
ELA.8.14D - edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
ELA.8.14E - revise final draft in response to feedback from peers and teacher and publish written work for appropriate audiences.
ELA.8.15A.iv - write an imaginative (fictional) story that develops interesting characters and dialogue that develops the story.
ELA.8.17D - produce a multimedia presentation involving text, graphics, images, and sound using available technology.
ELA.8.18F - refine and publish selected work in accepted formats for general and student audiences using traditional and technological methods.
ELA.RC.8B - ask literal, interpretive, evaluative, and universal questions of text.
ELA.RC.8F - make intertextual links among and across texts, including other media (e.g., film, play, music, print media), and provide textual evidence.
ELA.8.3C - explain how the values and beliefs of particular characters are affected by the historical and cultural setting of the literary work.
ELA.8.9 - analyze works written on the same topic and compare how the authors achieved similar or different purposes, and support using textual evidence.
ELA.8.10B - establish and adjust purposes for reading.
ELA.8.10D - synthesize and make logical connections between ideas within a text and across two or three texts representing similar or different genres and support those findings with textual evidence.
ELA.8.10I - find similarities and differences across texts such as in treatment (the author's approach), scope (depth of information about the topic), and/or organization.
ELA.8.12F - identify, describe, and analyze important characters, including their traits, points of view, causes of feelings and motivations, relationships, conflicts and their solutions, and the changes they undergo.
ELA.8.28 - participate productively in discussions, plan agendas with clear goals and deadlines, set time limits for speakers, take notes, and vote on key issues.