Storytelling around the Globe


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Rationale
  4. Objectives
  5. Background
  6. Strategies
  7. Classroom Activities
  8. Filmography
  9. Other Suggested Films
  10. Background Resources for Teachers
  11. Classroom Resources for Students
  12. Appendix A - Pennsylvania State Standardss
  13. Appendix B
  14. Notes

Interpreting Vietnam: War Stories and Film

Kate I. Reber

Published September 2009

Tools for this Unit:


1. Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins.Understanding by Design (2nd Edition) (ASCD). Alexandria, VA: Prentice Hall, 2005.

2. Sharon Downey. "Top Guns in Vietnam: The Pilot as Protected Warrior Hero," in War and Film in America: Historical and Critical Essays, eds. Marilyn J. Matelski and Nancy Lynch Street. (Jefferson, N.C.: Mcfarland & Company, 2003), 114.

3. Tim O'Brien.The Things They Carried. (New York City: Broadway, 1998), 68.

4. Ibid., 71.

5. Ibid., 179.

6. Philip Taylor. "The Green Berets." History Today 45, no. 3 (March 1995): 21. Academic Search Premier.

7. Quoted in Taylor, Philip,

8. Platoon. Directed by Oliver Stone.

9. John Charlot. "Vietnamese Cinema: First Views," Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Volume 22, Number 1, March 1991, pp. 33-62.

10. John Charlot. "Festival `90 Victims of a Common Tragedy." Los Angeles Times (pre-1997 Fulltext)), August26,1990.

11. Charles K. Armstrong. "America's Korea, Korea's Vietnam." Critical Asian Studies 33, no. 4 (December 2001), 527.

12. Se Jin Kim. 1970. "South korea's involvement in Vietnam and its economic and political impact." Asian Survey 10, (6) (Jun.), 519-32.

13. Charles K. Armstrong, 530.

14. Rick Altman. Film/Genre. (London: British Film Institute, 1999) 16.

15. Youth Radio. "Reflections on Return" Youth Radio. n


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