Annotated Bibliography
Asian Cinema: A Field Guide. Tom Vick. New York: Collins. 2007.
This is a good place to start to examine Asian cinema. The title really says it all.
A Chacun son Griot. Valerie Thiers-Thiam. Paris: L'Harmattan. 2004
Taken from the saying "chacun a son gout" (each to his own taste), Thiers-Thiam's exploration of the griot and his universality is examines the how and why of the griots and how they differ from historians. Utilizing both Keita and Soundiatta, to illustrate her theory, the author suggests that both are necessary figures to be utilized as each culture's needs demand.
The Cinema of Globalization: A Guide to Films About the New Economic Order. Tom Zaniello. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press. 2007.
Zaniello examines the industry on a global level, helping the modern reader to understand the place of film in the economy of recent years.
Film: A World History. Daniel Borden, Florian Duijens, Thomas Gilbert, Adele Smith. New York: Abrams. 2008.
A primer for those new to the study of film, this book offers an overview of global cinema.
Foreign Affairs: The National Society of Film Critics' Video Guide to Foreign Films. ed. by Kathy Schulz Huffhines. San Francisco: Mercury House. 1991.
A great resource for delving into foreign films, concentrating on specific landmark titles.
The Language of Literature (Blue Level). McDougal Littell. USA: Houghton Mifflin. 2002.
This is the textbook for tenth grade and includes all three stories with vocabulary, study and discussion questions, and projects.
Morphology of the Folktale. Propp, Vladimir. Rev. and ed. By Louis A.
Wagner. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1968.
An examination of the chain of events common to all folktales.
The Penguin Book of Scottish Folktales. Neil Philip, ed. London: Penguin. 1995
Among the many tales is the traditional story of the selkie who lived with a human and bore him children, only to return to the sea upon finding her hidden seal skin.
Sundiata: Epic of Old Mali. Niane, D. T. Longmans. 1965
The story of the griot is the basis for all the oral traditions in this culture.
The Uses of Enchantment. Bettelheim, Bruno. New York: Alfred A. Knopf,
The ultimate text in examining the psychology of the fairy tale and its effect on child development.