Bloom, Harold. Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human. Penguin, 1998. Each of Shakespeare's plays is given a critical reading by the eminent scholar, by which he argues that Shakespeare gave birth to our concept of being 'human.'
Garber, Marjorie. Shakespeare and Modern Culture. New York: Pantheon, 2008. Garber argues that modern culture as we know it has been greatly shaped and impacted by Shakespeare.
Gibson, Rex and Janet Field-Pickering. Discovering Shakespeare's Language. Cambridge: Cambridge, 1998. This teacher's guide provides over one hundred useful activity sheets for students, focusing on the language of Shakespeare's plays.
Goffman, Irving. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. New York: Doubleday, 1959. This work of sociology claims that, and demonstrates how, individuals present themselves to outside observers.
Roach, Joseph R. The Player's Passion: Studies in the Science of Acting. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1993. Roach offers the reader a detailed and engaging history of the ways in which actors have thought about their craft.
Rosenberg, Marvin. The Masks of Macbeth. Berkeley: University of California, 1978. This is a careful and insightful, yet exhausting, critical study of the play.
Shakespeare, William, and Sylvan Barnet. Macbeth (Signet Classics). New York: Signet Classics, 1998. This is a very useful edition of William Shakespeare's play, complete with commentary and excerpts from the essays of leading scholars and critics.
Wilders, John, ed. Shakespeare in Production: Macbeth. Cambridge: Cambridge, 2004. Along with the full text of the play, this edition offers a wealth of notes on past productions and actors' interpretations of Macbeth.