Shakespeare and Human Character


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Objectives
  4. Strategies
  5. Activities and Lesson Plans
  6. Assessment
  7. Bibliography
  8. Teacher Resources
  9. Filmography
  10. Appendix 1: Sample Quotes
  11. Appendix 2: Implementing New Mexico State and District 6 th Grade Standards
  12. Appendix 4: Overview of Step Up to Writing
  13. Notes

A Tide in the Affairs of Men: Looking at Leadership in Shakespeare's Roman Plays

Terri Blackman

Published September 2009

Tools for this Unit:


1 Claire Morgenstern. The Tartan. "Election 2008: Second-largest youth voter turnout in American history." (accessed July 7, 2009) 2 Sloterdijk, Peter. Translated by Michael Elrod. Critique of Critical Reason. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1987, 314. 3 Charnes, Linda. Hamlet's Heirs, 77. 4 Whitney, John O., and Tina Packer. Power Plays: Shakespeare's Lessons in Leadership and Management, 11. 5 Whitney, John O., and Tina Packer. Power Plays: Shakespeare's Lessons in Leadership and Management, 15. 6 Greenblatt, Stephen. Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare. 7 Rosen, William and Barbara, "Introduction," in Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, lxx. 8 Shakespeare, William. Henry IV, Part One, 72. 9 Shakespeare, William. Antony and Cleopatra, 38. 10 Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar, 84. 11 Mary Forehand, "Bloom's Taxonomy: Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching, and Technology." (The University of Georgia) (accessed July 13, 2009) 12 Ohio Department of Education. "Using Effective Instructional Strategies: Socratic Seminar". (accessed July 11, 2009). 13 Lynda Tredway. Educational Leadership. "Socratic seminars: engaging students in intellectual discourse." (accessed July 12, 2009). 14 Ibid 15 Ibid 16 "Using Graphic Novels with Children and Teens." Graphix, Scholastic. (accessed July 14, 2009)


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