African Americans and Shakespeare: Partners in Search of Humanity
Barbara M. Dowdall
Published September 2009
Tools for this Unit:
Appendix B
Starter List of Black Shakespearean Actors, Activists*, Mentors**
J.A. Arneaux
John Mason Brown
Ira Aldridge
William Henry Brown
Roscoe Lee Brown
Jack Carter
Henrietta Vinton Davis
Ossie Davis*
Ruby Dee
Jasper Deeter
Owen Dodson
Charles Dutton
James L. Farmer*
Thomas T. Fortune
Al Freeman, Jr.
Morgan Freeman
Charles Gilpin
Richard B. Harrison
James Hewlett
Paul Molyneaux Hewlett
Errol Hill
Ellen Holly
Robert Hooks
Earle Hyman
James Earl Jones
Canada Lee
William Marshall
A. Philip Randolph*
Paul Robeson
Samuel Morgan Smith
Howard Taubman
Henry Wallack**
Lester Walton
Franklin B. Webb
Jane White
Egbert Austin Williams
Paul Winfield
,barbara Mcdowell Dowdall
April 25, 2010 at 11:29 am
African Americans and Shakespeare: Partners in the Search for Humanity
A newly-published additional resource: Newstok, Scott L. and Ayanna Thompson, ed. Weyward Macbeth: Intersections of Race and Performance. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. A fascinating collection of essays on this topic going back to colonial times and including material on the Federal Theater, music, and film renderings. Langston Hughes said "You put me in Macbeth...and in everything but what's about me."
Barbara Mcdowell Dowdall
March 29, 2022 at 3:43 pm
Correction omission from Starter List
Denzel Washington of course for current Oscar-nominated film “The Tragedy of Macbeth,” but also Othello (senior year in college) Coriolanus 1979 Richard III 1990 Much Ado About Nothing. 1993 Julius Caesar. 2005