The Sound of Words: An Introduction to Poetry


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction and Rationale
  2. Overview
  3. Background/Content Knowledge
  4. Strategies
  5. Classroom Activities
  6. Annotated Teacher Bibliography
  7. Appendices
  8. Notes

Speak Up and Sound Off! Vocal and Rhythmic Patterns in Public Speaking

Nicole Q. Dobbs

Published September 2009

Tools for this Unit:

Guide Entry to 09.04.07

This curriculum unit's focus is to highlight voice and sound in my students' oratory skills. My goal is to teach students how to be confident speakers through preparation, practice, memorization, and recitation. In addition, I want to teach students to be creative, interesting, and engaging speakers through the use of poetry elements as well as sensitize them to language in general—its elements and its expressive potential. This unit also addresses the fear of public speaking and provides ways of overcoming it.

Public Speaking is not only an integral part of the Business Technology Curriculum that I teach but it is an invaluable personal skill. Students will be using this skill to interview for jobs and communicate with co-workers and clients. Additionally, this unit is extremely important because it sets a foundation for the future courses my students will be taking over the next three years, all of which require them to give oral presentations.

(Developed for Business Technology, grade 10; recommended for Business Education, English, and Career Development, grades 9-12)


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