The correlation will be with the content in the unit and the Pennsylvania Kindergarten Standards (www.pde.state.pa.us). (Accessed May 10, 2009.) The first of these is to understand how important trees are to the life cycle. We will discuss and look at trees using literature and real specimens. Using trees as a basis for this unit, we will explore the benefits of having trees. Those benefits are giving off oxygen to other living things. This will be illustrated by the photosynthesis cycle. Coming from this basis will allow my students to identify the photosynthesis process as a life cycle. Having the students nurture a plant and trees will assist with the understanding of a life cycle. Also reading books such as the "Very Hungry Caterpillar" can give an example of a life cycle. The language development will be utilized through the development of a vocabulary word wall and identification of vocabulary activities. The vocabulary words will be energy, sugar, carbon dioxide, air, pollution, hydrogen, oxygen, chlorophyll, stomata, breathe, living, nonliving, inhale, exhale, cycle, light, gas and others that are in the unit. These words will be used with this unit consistently. Since there will be discussions throughout the unit, they will get an opportunity to use the words in their proper context. The chemical notation will be written for them as well such as for oxygen that would be O 2. This will expose them to the proper way that chemists write their work. They will explore patterns that regularly occur in nature. These patterns will be as in growth patterns of a plant but a simpler example of this in which they already have learned is day, afternoon, night, or a seasonal cycle.
They will recognize that matter can change from one state to another. This concept is important because comprehending that the tree is actually breathing is a complex goal, but they do know that it is growing and that will drive their curiosity. They will identify air as a source of movement. This objective is based on scientific experimentation with my students and looking at different ways that air is produced such as breathing, fans and natural wind. They will understand that living things are made up of parts with specific functions. This will be the meatiest part of this unit because it will show the photosynthesis process and this will help with understanding life processes of living things. They will be able to identify energy as coming from sunlight to help with growing a tree. Experiments with the trees will help with the understanding of this invisible matter.
They will be able to use tools to complete a task. The tools that I am talking about are planting tools to work in the garden and magnifying glasses to look at the leaves. This will help them to identify products that come from nature. These products are going to come from composting. I want them to be able to describe the effects of air pollution by listening to a story. A great amount of time will be focused on understanding responsibility related to green chemistry as a deterrent to pollution. This will help with respect for the use of products that do not create air pollution as well as assist with spending time on discussing the causes and effects of air pollution. They will be able to understand that all living things need air and water for survival. Activities of needs and wants will help with bringing this to reality by showing that there are some things you need and some you want to have but are not necessary. They will be able to observe and describe a tree growing in different experimental conditions through the use of a book. After looking at my standards one of the activities was to grow plants with sunlight and without sunlight. This will illustrate a visual concept as well as a cause and effect for the students to experience. They will understand that living things depend on nonliving things for survival. This is another way of teaching the students about the tree being a living thing. The non-living things do not come alive, but provide important nutrients for living things. They will be able to identify human activity that affects the environment.
After a discussion and stories about resources, the students will keep a record of the activities through illustrations in their foot journals. The foot journal is a portfolio of their work. A tool that measures their use of resources in the environment, it will give them better information about their usage. They will be able to categorize living and nonliving things in the journal. We will discuss good environmental practices related to protecting the trees' ecosystem. These practices will be fostered through caring for nature and providing compost to use by the students. I will encourage respect for plants and their habitats. The stories that will be read will generate respect for trees. Then they will be able to form clear explanations based on observations and participation. This objective goes with the strategy of scientific practices. They will learn this practice. They will participate in several scientific investigations that involve experiments that will show processes and cycles. You will notice that it sounds like an overlapping objective, but it is not. To be able to ask relevant questions will be important because asking critical-thinking questions will take a technique that will have to be facilitated by me but will help get better answers from the students. They will be able to make predictions based on observations and experiences. This is back to the scientific thought that needs to be introduced and made a routine as much as possible. They will be participating in a story by listening and responding to an informational text about trees. An informational text is a story that gives information that is factual and in the nonfiction genre category. They will draw relevant illustrations to represent facts. The main idea needs to contain oral descriptions and drawings. I will be looking for the main idea in literature because it will help with understanding the vital points about the process of trees being living things. They will be able to use data with facilitation from the teacher to record facts about experiments on trees.
They will learn and understand some of the principles in green chemistry through a visit to the Carnegie Science Center and the visit to Rachel Carson's Homestead which will focus on these principles. They will learn about resource usage related to matter and the three important cycles that come with the photosynthesis cycle, carbon cycle and oxygen cycle. They will participate in a recycling material program through the use of leaves from the trees that we will be caring for. To know that green chemistry is about improving the environment, I will be talking about the award that is given out for greening the environment. It's called the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award that was introduced by the Clinton administration in 1995. We will simulate this activity by doing a family involvement activity where the students draw a picture of their family practicing one of the green chemistry principles related to this unit.
The Foss curriculum has goals that are expected of the students. The word FOSS means Full Options Science Systems. I will incorporate these goals into the unit. Trees are considered to be giants to the kindergartener. They are captivated by the tree. These objectives will bring a better understanding of trees. I would hope to develop a growing curiosity and interest in the student about the living things that make up the world. I will be using pictorial experiences to heighten their awareness of the diversity and variety of trees and leaves. This will also provide a way to show continuity by knowing all plants go through the photosynthesis process. The students will develop a beginning of awareness that all organisms have basic needs. Trees need water, nutrients in the soil, light and air. Also, they will learn that these organisms have different structures that serve different functions in growth and functions that are related to the tree. Trees have a life cycle that involves development from a seed, maturation and the formation of new seeds. This is taught in a separate lesson from this unit so it will help with basic background knowledge. The students will develop the understanding that all living things, such as people, depend on plants as a way of surviving and living. They will draw, report, and communicate their ideas and understanding. They will develop a social perspective that resources are things we use to meet our needs. So this unit will not only convey a personal message but it will also give a social message. That social message is act green, think green and do green. The website www.fossweb.com will be accessed to follow up on trees and ask the chemist that is available for questions.