The Brain in Health and Disease


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Rationale
  2. Objective
  3. Background Information
  4. Strategies for Teaching
  5. Annotated Bibliography
  6. Notes
  7. Activities

Memory Boot Camp

Shelley Freedman-Bailey

Published September 2009

Tools for this Unit:

Annotated Bibliography

Abate, Charles. "You Say Multitasking Like it's a Good Thing." neatoday, Mar. - Apr. 2009. First published in Fall 2008, NEA Higher Education Journal, Thought & Action. This article explains how neurologically multi-tasking is improbable, if not impossible. This book is informative and clearly written.

Barrett, Susan L.. It's All in Your Head: A Guide to Understanding Your Brain and Boosting Your Brain Power. Minneapolis, Minnesota : Free Spirit Publishing, 1992. A children's book that helps to explain, using simple text and illustrations, how the brain works.

Beal, M. Flint, Floyd E. Bloom, and David J. Kupfer. The Dana Guide to Brain Health. New York City: Dana Press, 2006. This is a general reference book, written so it is easy to understand the complexities of the brain.

Foer, Joshua. "Remember This: In the Archives of the Brain, Our Lives Linger or Disappear." National Geographic, November 2007. This is an excellent article giving several personal histories of people with memory issues.

Funston, Sylvia, and Jay Ingram. It's All in Your Head: A Guide to Your Brilliant Brain. Toronto, Ontario: Maple Tree Press, 2005. This is an easy to read children's book with different, fun activities.

Hoiland, Erin. "Brain Plasticity: What Is It/ Learning and Memory." Neuroscience for Kids -Brain Plasticity. Neuroscience for Kids -Brain Plasticity.htm (accessed June 9, 2009). An explanation of what plasticity is.

Jensen, Eric. Teaching with the Brain in Mind. Alexandria: Ascd, 1998.

This is an outstanding book with clear explanations and teaching strategies.

Kincher, Jonni. Psychology for Kids, 40 Fun Tests That Help You Learn About Yourself. Minneapolis, Minnesota : Free Spirit Publishing, 1995.

This book has fun test for students to learn more about themselves.

McCleary, Larry. The Brain Trust Program: A Scientifically Based Three-Part Plan to Improve Memory. Chicago: Perigee Trade 9/4/, 2007.

This book has a great program to help improve memory, including numerous


Nelson, Aaron. Harvard Medical School Guide to Achieving Optimal Memory (Harvard Medical School Guides). New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005.

This book is an excellent resource that explains memory in detail.

Nickelsen, Leann. Memorizing Strategies and Other Brain-Based Activities That Help Kids Learn, Review, and Recall. New York: Scholastic, 2004.

This book describes strategies that promote memory. It compares the stages of

memory to a parking lot.

Sousa, David A.. How the Brain Learns. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2001.

This book is a great resource. It is clearly written giving strategies to promote


"The Human Brain." Teacher Professional Development and Teacher Resources by Annenberg Media. (accessed July 8, 2009). This website has helpful diagrams of the brain.

Washington Post. "Study Links Stress, Poor Memory of Children in Poverty." Richmond Times-Dispatch, April 7, 2009. This is an informative article that hypothesizes the reason why memory is poorer in at risk students.

Wood, Pam Walker & Elaine. Understanding the Human Body - The Brain and Nervous System (Understanding the Human Body). Farmington Hills, MI: Lucent Books, 2003. This is a children's book that is helpful in explaining how the brain works.


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