The Brain in Health and Disease


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Rationale
  4. Background Information
  5. Objectives
  6. Strategies
  7. Notes
  8. Annotated Bibliography
  9. Student's Annotated Bibliography
  10. Appendix A:Implementing District Standards

Our Brain's Fat and Carbohydrate Connection

Sharon Felecia Mott

Published September 2009

Tools for this Unit:


1 Alan C. Logan, ND, FRSH, The Brain Diet: The Connection Between, Mental health, and Intelligence (Nashville, TN: Cumberland House Publishing, 2007), 6.

2 Logan, The Brain Diet, 4.

3 Logan, The Brain Diet, 3.

4 Logan, The Brain Diet, 7.

5 Patrick Holford and Deborah Colson, Optimum Nutrition for Your Child's Mind: Maximize Your Child's Potential (Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 2008), 8.

6 Holford, Optimum Nutrition for Your Child's Mind, 8.

7 Logan, The Brain Diet, 19.

8 Michael A. Schmidt, PhD, Brain Building Nutrition: How Dietary Fats and Oils Affect Mental, Physical, and Emotional Intelligence (Berkeley, CA): Frog Books, Ltd, (2006) 14.

9 Holford, Optimum Nutrition for Your Child's Mind, 88-89.

10 The Franklin Institute Online, "The Human Brain: Nourish-Fats. Resources for Science Learning, (2004): 1-13.

11 The Franklin Institute Online, "The Human Brain: Nourish-Fats, 3-4.

12 The Franklin Institute Online, "The Human Brain: Nourish-Fats, 3-4.

13 Schmidt, Brain Building Nutrition, 18.

14 Floyd E. Bloom, MD, M. Flint Beal, MD, M. Flint Beal, MD., David J. Kupper, MD, eds., The Dana Guide to Brain Health: A Practical Family Reference from Medical Experts (New York, NY: Dana Press, 2006), 10.

15 Schmidt, Brain-Building Nutrition, 18-19.

16 Schmidt, Brain-Building Nutrition, 22.

17 Bloom, The Dana Guide to Brain Health, 81.

18 The Thinking Business Limited, "Brain Food-Fat," Center of Excellence for Creativity & Innovation, (2009):2.http://

19 The Thinking Business Limited, "Brain Food-Fat," Center of Excellence for Creativity & Innovation, (2009): 1-2.http://

20 The Thinking Business Limited, "Brain Food-Carbohydrates," Center of Excellence for Creativity & Innovation, (2009):3. http://

21 Logan, The Brain Diet, 10.

22 Bloom, The Dana Guide to Brain Health, 8 and 80.

23 Logan, The Brain Diet, 31.

24 Schmidt, Brain Building Nutrition, 77.

25 Schmidt, Brain-Building Nutrition, 126-127.

26 Marshall Brain, "How Stuff Works" How Fats Work: Saturated vs. Unsaturated, (2009): 1-2.

27 Schmidt, Brain-Building Nutrition, 114-116.

28 The Franklin Institute Online, "The Human Brain: Nourish-Fats, 6-10.

29 Schmidt, Brain-Building Nutrition, 21.

30 Catherine N. Raspberry, Carbohydrates, "Chemical Structure," (2008): 1. http://,

31 C. Keith Conners, PhD, Feeding the Brain: How Foods Affect Children (Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing, 1989), 117.

32 Bloom, The Dana Guide to Brain Health, 18.

33 The Franklin Institute Online, "The Human Brain-Carbohydrates." Resources for Science Learning, (2004): 3. http://

34 Logan, The Brain Diet, 228.


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