Energy, Climate, Environment


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Historical Background on Climate Change
  3. Conclusion
  4. Lesson Plans
  5. Reading Materials
  6. Electronic Resources
  7. Notes

Social and Cultural Shifts in the Wake of Climate Change

Francisca Sorensen

Published September 2009

Tools for this Unit:

Reading Materials

Banta, R.M; C.J.Senff, J. Nielsen-Gammon, L.S. Darby, T.B. Ryerson, R.J. Alvarez, S.P.

Sandberg, E.J. Williams, and M. Trainer. May 2005. A Bad Air Day in Houston. American Meteorological Society. BAMS. Boulder, Col.

Brown, Lester R. May 2009. Could Food Shortages Bring Down Civilization?

Scientific American.

Caran S, Christopher, James A. Neely, Barbara M. Winsborough, and Francisca Ramirez

Sorensen. 1996. A Late Paleo-Indian/ Early Archaic Water Well in Mexico - Possible Oldest Water Management Feature in the New World in Geoarchaeology.

Diamond, Jared. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. Viking Press. 2005

De Blij, Harm. 2005. Why Geography Matters: Three Challenges Facing America

Climate Change, The Rise of China, and Global Terrorism. Oxford University Press. New York

Fagan, Brian. 2000. The Little Ice Age: How Climate Made History 1300 -

1850. Basic Books. New York

Fagan, Brian. 2004. The Long Summer: How Climate Changed Civilization. Basic

Books. New York.

Flannery, Tim. 2006. The Weather Makers. Grove Press. New York.

Gerhard, Lee C., William E. Harrison, and Bernold M. Hanson. 2001. Geological

Perspectives of Global Climate Change. AAPG Studies in Geology No. 47. Oklahoma.

Gimpel, Jean. 1976. Medieval Machines: The Industrial Revolution of the Middle Ages.

Holt, Reihart, and Winston. New York.

Johansen, Bruce E. 2006. Global Warming in the 21th Century. Vol : Melting Ice and

Warming Seas. Praeger Publishers. Westport. Ct.

Johansen, Bruce E. 2006. Global Warming in the 21th Century. Vol 3: Prospective

Climate Changes along the Gulf of Mexico Coast. Praeger Publishers. Westport. Ct.

Keys, David. 1999. Catastrophe: and Investigation into the Origins of the Modern

World. Century, London.

Lemonick, Michael D. 2008. Beyond the Tipping Point. Scientific American Special


Manzanilla, Linda. 1993. Anatomía de Un Conjunto Residencial Teotihuacano en

Oztoyahualco. 2 Vols. UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas. Ramirez Sorensen, Francisca. A Historical Reconstruction of Zapotitlan Salinas from the Post Classic through the 16th Century. Unpublished Thesis. 1996.

Sexton, Ken, Stephen H. Linder, Dritana Marko, Heidi Bethel, and Phillip J. Lupo.

October 2007. Comaprative Assessment of Air Pollution - Related Health Risks in Houston. Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 115. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Storey, Rebecca. 1992. Life and Death in the Ancient City of Teotihuacan: A

Paleodemographic Synthesis. The U of Alabama Press. Tuscaloosa

Toby Evans, Susan. 2004. Ancient Mexico & Central America: Archaeology and

Culture History. Thames and Hudson Ltd. London.

Walsh, Margaret; Peter Baklund, Anthony Janetos, David Schimel. Effects of Climate

Change on Agriculture, land resources, water sources and biodiversity in U.S. in U.S. Climate Change Science Program: Synthesis & Assessment Product 4.3.May. 2008.

Weisman, Alan. 2007. The World Without Us. St. Martin's Press. New York.


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