Connecting the Visual to the Verbal in the Classroom


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. Strategies
  4. Standards
  5. Classroom Activities

Demystifying Poetry Using Women's Ekphrasis

Kristen Kurzawski

Published September 2010

Tools for this Unit:


This unit covers many of the main goals of an AP English Literature and Composition course. It will certainly begin building the base for the deep analysis required by the AP Literature exam, and it will provide the students with many opportunities to read and write in an analytical and critical way.

AP requires that any AP literature course cover standard C1 which states that a course "include an intensive study of representative works of both British and American writers, as well as well as works written in several genres from the sixteenth century to contemporary times." This unit works hard to make sure that the course is representing women writers, which were under represented before. Additionally, the poems used are from British and American writers over a wide range of time periods and styles.

While reading the poems the students will write essays or short pieces in response to the poems. One of my main goals with this unit is to have the students examine the literary elements used within the poem, and I also want them to pay careful attention to the text of the poem. They will use their observations to interpret the poem verbally and in writing. The writing activities will meet the AP standard C4 which states that, "The course teaches students to write an interpretation of a piece of literature that is based on a careful observation of the works textual details, considering such elements as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone." These activities will also help the students meet standard C2, which requires that an AP course teach "students to write an interpretation of a piece of literature that is based on careful observation of the works textual details, considering structure, style, and themes."

When the students complete their writing they will receive various types of feedback from me. They will all receive comments on their papers, but we will also occasionally look at some of the student work and develop plans for revision. Students will be expected to revise various pieces of writing throughout the unit to show their growth as a writer. These activities will help the students meet the standard C8 which requires that "the AP teacher provide instruction and feedback on students' writing assignments, both before and after the students revise their work, which help the students develop a wide–ranging vocabulary used appropriately and effectively." These activities also help to meet standard C10 which states, "The AP teacher provides instruction and feedback on students' writing assignments, both before and after the students revise their work, which help the students develop logical organization, enhanced by specific techniques to increase coherence, such as repetition, transitions, and emphasis."

During the course of the unit the students will do various informal types of writing like note–taking, annotation, and dialectical journal writing that will lead to their more formal pieces of writing. This work enables the students to meet standard C5 which states, "The course includes frequent opportunities for students to write and rewrite formal, extended analyses and time in–class responses. The course requires writing to understand informal, exploratory writing activities that enable students to discover what they think in the process of writing about their reading (such assignments could include annotation, freewriting, keeping a reading journal, and response/reaction papers)."


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