Creating Lives: An Introduction to Biography


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Purpose
  2. Introduction
  3. History of Biography
  4. Disengagement or Communication - Technological Documentary Platforms
  5. Strategies and Implementation
  6. Art of Oral Biographical Documentation
  7. Self Examination
  8. Resources
  9. Endnotes
  10. Appendix – Georgia Performance Standards Correlation

I Have a Story to Tell: Learning through Peer Biographical Inquiry

Stephanie Anaissa Brown-Bryant

Published September 2010

Tools for this Unit:

Disengagement or Communication - Technological Documentary Platforms

Radio, television, and the Internet emerge as key players in the representations of biography. It is necessary that we discuss technological formats as forms of documentary in our teaching. The focus of technology's role is directed toward the history of social networking, video documentary, and reality television. Download: The True Story of the Internet: People Power. 14 This video represents the revolutionary power of connecting people via the Internet and how our lives are affected. Specifically, it reveals how technology empowers humans to cross boundaries and experience life by connecting with others.

The connection without boundaries poses a problem when information is shared online. Our students, sometimes unknowingly, post the most intimate and telling events of their lives for the world to see. What is their purpose? How do students view their responsibility in sharing this information? I would like to discuss with students the social implications when using these formats. Do these types of media promote or discourage engagement with teenage users? Passive/aggressive behavior is often observed in online settings and the opportunity to ask students to evaluate the most productive uses of these types of media should be used diligently!

Proliferation of these formats, popularity, and ethical concerns is discussed with the use of articles found using GALILEO to research the consequences of irresponsible Internet behavior. (I hope to use cases of cyberbullying and legal cases surrounding these formats at this time). Many students have been victims or have observed cyberbullying and can share their thoughts on the serious act. Judge Tom Jacobs book Teen Cyberbullying Investigated 15 is an excellent resource for teachers and students I will use it to explain how the law defines cyberbullying and present actual cases. This resource is current and focuses on the behavior of young adults in an online environment. A discussion of responsibility to speak up for others and the act of compassion is imperative as students evaluate how bullies hide behind technology.

Biographical representations from 60 Minutes, People magazine, and the Biography Channel will be featured, (as well as a few of my favorite reality television shows.) Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and YouTube will also be discussed as their history and major impact on biographical representations is evaluated. These formats are popular with students and will allow them to review how perception is important. For example, students can search for Twitter accounts of a famous person that they wish to learn more about and discuss their perception based on their Twitter page. Since many celebrities use online formats for publicity, they can discuss the usefulness of information found on these pages. Students can also discuss information posted on their personal pages and the possible perceptions readers may have after reading information about them.


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