Voices of Emery Secondary: An Oral History Project
Mika Myers Cade
Published September 2010
Tools for this Unit:
Emeryville Historical Society, "The town without a church," in Images of America: Emeryville.
(Arcadia, 2005), 19.
Charles T Morissey, "Introduction," in Oral History: An Interdisciplinary Anthology, eds. David
D. Dunaway and Willa K. Baum. (Nashville: The American Association for State & Local History, 1984),
Linda P. Wood, Oral History Projects in Your Classroom. (Oral History Association, 2001),
Paul Thompson, "History and the community," in Oral History: An Interdisciplinary Anthology,
Alice Hoffman, "Reliability and Validity in Oral History," in Oral History: An Interdisciplinary
Anthology, 72.
Cynthia S. Brown, As It Was: A Guide to Writing Oral History. (New York: Teachers & Writers
Collaborative, 1988), 17.
Ibid., 19.
Dave Isay, Listening is an Act of Love. New York: Penguin Books, 2007.
Eliot Wigginton, The Foxfire Book. Garden City, NY: Double Day & Co., 1972.
Jeff Norman, Temescal Legacies: Narratives of Change from a North Oakland Neighborhood. Oakland,
CA: Shared Ground, 2006.
Robert Hatch and William Hatch, The Hero Project. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006.
Pebble Creek Labs. "Think Aloud Strategy Summary."
http://pebblecreeklabs.com/instructional-strategies/think-aloud.html (9 July 2010).
Pebble Creek Labs. "Read Aloud Strategy Summary."
http://pebblecreeklabs.com/instructional-strategies/read-aloud/181-read-aloud-strategy-summary.html (9 July
Pebble Creeks Lab. "Inductive Model Summary."
http://pebblecreeklabs.com/instructional-strategies/inductive/180-inductive-model-summary.html (9 July
Visual Thinking Strategies. www.vtshome.org (9 July 2010).