Appendix A- Student handout
Guidelines for the narrative- each MBE should contain the following:
1. Title/ Thesis
Titles should give the name of the bio-subject followed by a subtitle that will give readers an idea about the specific focus of the MBE. Ex. Andrew Jackson: His service as General as it impacted both the War of 1812 and Native Americans in the South 1810-1820. Added to this, students must develop an argumentative statement very early in the narrative that takes some stance with regard to the subject matter. Ex. Andrew Jackson was often brutal in his military tactics and can be seen as a symbol of America's ruthless will toward domination of North America.
2. Life background
Each narrative should include a concise biographical exploration in to the bio-subjects life prior to the period to be considered in the MBE. So, students working on Jackson should tell a little about where he was born, his life as a young boy and maybe just a little about his career before joining the military. Because of the nature of the MBE, none of this requires more than cursory attention unless the group thinks that perhaps some particular event sheds light on his behaviors later.
3. Description of time period/ place
The narrative should give the reader proper context: background. With regard to Jackson for example, it would be imperative for readers to understand that his service took place within the political period known as the Virginia Dynasty (Jefferson, Madison, Monroe) and that it was during the first true era of American Nationalism. The reader must be given an idea about the developments of the War of 1812 and the Creek Indian Wars that were to follow. It might also be advantageous to talk a little about American expansionism and the Market Revolution of the same time. All of this might not be necessary, but depending on the direction of the essay could be of use to the reader. This sort of decision will need to be made collaboratively within your groups. Chief Editors will have the final say.
4. Argument development
Of primary importance is gathering and using evidence that helps the students make the argument detailed in the thesis. This is where your team needs to concentrate your efforts. This does not mean that the argument is scientifically provable; it means that you have found credible sources that gives you the kind of information that help you at least make the argument. Students should analyze their work by asking themselves; does the information we use sustain the argument outlined in the thesis? Are we following the path we set out for ourselves? If so, then the essay will have purpose and your team will be practitioners of biography and history. If not, then you will need to reassess and, perhaps, change the argument to meet the evidence you have found.