The Art of Reading People: Character, Expression, Interpretation


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Objective
  4. Background
  5. Strategies
  6. Classroom Activities
  7. Bibliography
  8. Student Resources
  9. Appendix I
  10. Notes

You'll Stumble in My Footsteps: Character Traits, Choices, and Outcomes in Literature

Lori Nuno

Published September 2011

Tools for this Unit:


1 Haynes, Charles C., Oliver Thomas, and John Ferguson, ed, Finding Common Ground A Guide To Religious Liberty in Public Schools (Nashville, TN: First Amendment Center, 2001), 151,

2 Haynes, Charles C., Oliver Thomas, and John Ferguson, ed, Finding Common Ground A Guide To Religious Liberty in Public Schools (Nashville, TN: First Amendment Center, 2001), 153,

3 Berkowitz, Marvin W. Ph.D. and Melinda C. Bier Ph.D., What Works In Character Education: A research-driven guide for educators (University of Missouri: Character Education Partnership, 2005), 18 – 20, PDF e-book.

4 "PeaceBuilders Program for Safe, Positive Learning Environments," PeacePartners, Inc, Accessed July 14, 2011.

5 Josephson Institute, Exercising Character: A workout guide for teenagers who make character count with 11-13 year olds, 1

6 Pasupathi, Monisha, Ursula M. Staudinger, and Paul B. Baltes, "Seeds of Wisdom: Adolescents' Knowledge and Judgment About Difficult Life Problems," Developmental Psychology 37, no. 3

(2001) : 353.

7 Lewis, Paul, "Wisdom as Seen Through Scientific Lenses: A Selective Survey of Research in Psychology and the Neurosciences," Tradition & Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodicals 36, no. 2: 67 – 72, accessed July 12, 2011, PDF,

8 Pasupathi, Monisha, Ursula M. Staudinger, and Paul B. Baltes, "Seeds of Wisdom: Adolescents' Knowledge and Judgment About Difficult Life Problems," Developmental Psychology 37, no. 3

(2001) : 353.

9 Humphrey, Elaine, Steven M. Janosik, and Don G. Creamer. "The Role of Principles, Character, and Professional Values in Ethical Decision-Making," NASPA Journal 41, no. 3 (2004): 680,

accessed July 13, 2011,

10 Humphrey, Elaine, Steven M. Janosik, and Don G. Creamer. "The Role of Principles, Character, and Professional Values in Ethical Decision-Making," NASPA Journal 41, no. 3 (2004): 682,

accessed July 13, 2011,

11 Humphrey, Elaine, Steven M. Janosik, and Don G. Creamer. "The Role of Principles, Character, and Professional Values in Ethical Decision-Making," NASPA Journal 41, no. 3 (2004): 682,

accessed July 13, 2011,

12 Humphrey, Elaine, Steven M. Janosik, and Don G. Creamer. "The Role of Principles, Character, and Professional Values in Ethical Decision-Making," NASPA Journal 41, no. 3 (2004): 683,

accessed July 13, 2011,

13 Humphrey, Elaine, Steven M. Janosik, and Don G. Creamer. "The Role of Principles, Character, and Professional Values in Ethical Decision-Making," NASPA Journal 41, no. 3 (2004): 683,

accessed July 13, 2011,

14 Humphrey, Elaine, Steven M. Janosik, and Don G. Creamer. "The Role of Principles, Character, and Professional Values in Ethical Decision-Making," NASPA Journal 41, no. 3 (2004): 683 - 684,

accessed July 13, 2011,

15 SparkNotes Editors, SparkNote on The Outsiders


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