Barnett, Sylvan. A short guide to writing about art. . 1981. Reprint, New York: Longman, 2000. Makes use of a variety of pictures (drawings, paintings, photographs), sculptures and architecture, and prepares students with the tools they need to present their ideas in effective writing. Key Topics: formal analysis, distinguishes between description and analysis, iconography and iconology, as well as how to document sources and great editing strategies.
Brommer, Gerald. Discovering Art History . 3 ed. Worcester: Davis Publications, 1977.
Classroom textbook.
David, Bayles, and Orlando Ted. Art and Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking. . 3 ed. Santa Barbra: Capra Press, 1993.
Dempsey, Amy. Styles, schools and movements: the essential encyclopaedic guide to modern art. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2005.
Great illustrations and organized chronologically. It is the only book I use regularly, that provides so many of the 20th century art schools and movements
Ekman, Paul, and Wallace V. Friesen. Unmasking the face . Cambridge,MA: Malor Books, 2003. The research on the facial expression of emotion uses photographs showing emotions of surprise, fear, disgust, anger, happiness, and sadness. The authors explain how to identify these basic emotions correctly. Clearly shows through line drawings and photographs, the muscles used to create these emotional expressions.
Gardner, Helen, Richard G. Tansey, and Fred S. Kleiner. Gardner's art through the ages . 10th ed. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1996. Classroom textbook.
Hollander, John , and Joanna Weber. Words for Images. A gallery of poems.. New Haven: Yale University Art Gallery, 2011. Ecphrastic poetry book. A beautiful collection of twenty-two poets who wrote on the works from the collection of twentieth-century art at the Yale University Art Gallery.
Lesesne, Teri S.. Making the match: the right book for the right reader at the right time, grades 4-12. Portland, Me.: Stenhouse Publishers, 2003.
Munsterberg, Marjorie. "Ekphrasis - Writing About Art." Preface - Writing About Art. (accessed August 5, 2011).
"Portrait of a Boy, Charles Le Brun (1619-1690)." Philip Mould Fine Paintings - Tudor, Stuart, Old Master and Miniature Historical Portraits.,_Charles_Le_Brun (accessed August 5, 2011).
Stokstad, Marilyn, Bradford R. Collins, and Stephen Addiss. Art history: volume 1. Rev. ed. New York: H.N. Abrams, 1999. Classroom textbook