"Who has been to or was born in another country?"
Without fail, 15 hands will go up. A typical response is something like this: "I was born in Alabama" or "We went to Las Vegas."
Regardless of the elementary grade level, young students do not have a concept of country. They identify themselves as a member of their family, classroom, church, or as a member of their neighborhood. They are just starting to be aware that they are a part of a broader social group which is inclusive of but which reaches beyond those groups. Regrettably in some cases, prejudice, racism and intolerance of those who are different from them are beginning to form.In some cases this is a direct result of their parents' beliefs.
Students need to learn that they are part of a larger society. It is important for them to learn about their national identity. They are all residents of America. Decisions made by America's politicians and leaders directly affect their lives. Each of my students will grow into voting American citizens and each will influence the social groups they belong to. They need to become aware that their contributions to society matter.They need to be aware of a variety of Americans who have shaped the country. I want them to recognize that their neighbors, who may or may not believe in what they believe in or look the way they do, are valued people.
In an area where most of my students' family members never attended college, they need to know that in America, they have the opportunity and the right to attend. But they also must understand that their choices and effort will make or break attaining those goals. My students need to be aware that they are Americans. They have freedoms; they have a voice. People who look and think differently from them have the same rights.
Students will recognize that the ideas first voiced in the Declaration of Independence apply to them. Despite any hardship, injustice or prejudice, they too can obtain "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." 1 Students know that not everyone is treated exactly the same. There are different rules for children and adults or teachers and students but by studying the Declaration, they will recognize the difference between treating someone unjustly based on prejudice and treating them equitably based on circumstance. In studying those ideas brought forth at the birth of our nation through the Declaration of Independence and in studying the people who have used it to gain equality for marginalized groups, the students will learn that in America, all people ARE created equal. They will learn that although there are many aspects of our lives that make us unique, we all have the promise of the Declaration of Independence to unify us as Americans. This second grade unit which focuses on teaching the principles of the Declaration along with introducing students to Americans who have used those ideas to fight for equality, developed from the Yale National Initiative seminar, "The Idea of America."
What is the Idea of America?
The idea of America is as unique as the people who make up our great nation. One of the beautiful things about American people is that they are ethnically and linguistically diverse. We are the only country where most of the citizens' ancestors have never set foot on its land.
Ideas of what America is and what it should be are as diverse as the people who compose it. It is these differences in thought, culture, and appearance, whichwhen honored and valued make America great. Sometimes differences can divide and separate us. People canexperience hatred and intolerance for others due to ignorance of another persons' truth. If we take time to think about the things that are the same about Americans, it might help us to prevent the intolerance and one-sided thinking that happens so much in today's society.
What do all Americans have in common?
All Americans benefit from the inalienable rights provided for in the Declaration of Independence: "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" 2. Americans continually strive for freedom, liberty and equality. Those words inspire the hope of endless possibilities for all Americans. The Declaration of Independence is the primary document that built this great nation and with it that hope. It is a vision statement for the country. At its core it provides hope for Americans, especially the disenfranchised who have the ability to rise above persecution (even government persecution) and establish rights for themselves.
America has been blessed with many freedom fighters. They are everyday people who do big things for change. They believe in the rights espoused in the Declaration and use them to inspire Americans. Anyone can be a freedom fighter. The common inspiration is to change a divisive attitude or inequality. The actions of those who fight for freedom should be studied and considered by all Americans. It is through this inspiration of others that everyday citizens have the courage to stand up for what is right and demand equality for all. Fighting for liberty and justice can happen at a local, national or world level. Those who fight for freedom prove that all people should be treated equally. When it isn't happening they inspire others to make change happen. Every American has this right and ability as sons and daughters of the Declaration of Independence.