Appendix A
Implementing California State Standards for English Language Arts in Grades 9 and 10 3 0
3.0 Literary Response and Analysis
Students read and respond to historically or culturally significant works of literature that reflect and enhance their studies of history and social science. They conduct in- depth analyses of recurrent patterns and themes.
- We will address standard 3.0 through our study of Mumbo Jumbo and TURF dancing. Mumbo Jumbo is historical fiction and will enhance students' understanding of the turn-of-the century United States. Our extension into TURF dancing will give students the opportunity to explore recurrent patterns and themes.
2.0 Writing Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics)
2.1 Write biographical or autobiographical narratives or short stories:
- Students will present autobiographical narratives as part of their final presentation. The subject of their narratives will be their own exploration of a cultural practice.
2.2 Write responses to literature:
- When we read Mumbo Jumbo students will write short responses to the passages discussed in class.
2.3Write expository compositions, including analytical essays and research reports
- Students will be responsible for writing short research reports as part of the "Family Tree" activity.
2.4 Write persuasive compositions
- The assessment for each essential question will be written as a persuasive essay with a thesis and subclaims.