A multitude of strategies are encompassed in this unit. In order for me to make my unit effective I have to incorporate the different learning style of my students. I will use the KWL strategy at the beginning of the unit. This strategy will inform me of any misconceptions my students may have about heart disease. I will address visual learners by having my students build models and make diagrams; this will facilitate a better understanding of the relationship between structure and function, particularly when studying the physiology and anatomy of the heart.
Laboratory investigations will be conducted in this unit. Students will have the opportunity to examine heart specimens and make microscopic slides from the following animals: chickens, cows, pigs and sheep. Laboratory experimentation gives students the opportunity to conduct a "hands on" investigation. Students will answer a scientific question and observe various phenomena in a laboratory setting. Students will conduct library and internet research projects. The ability to find information is integral to the educational success of my students. Students will make spreadsheets which will allow them collect and organize data in a clear and concise manner. The spreadsheets will aid in the analysis of the data. An extensive amount of vocabulary is incorporated in this unit. Students will have the opportunity of increasing their vocabulary because majority of the words used in this unit derive from Latin. Students are required to go on guided web tours. Web tours will allow students the opportunity to find videos illustrating: circulation of blood in the body, different forms of cardiovascular disease, and procedures used to identify cardiovascular disease. Students will be given prompts and engage in response writing about the videos they observed. They will use the Think/Pair/Share technique at the conclusion of the response writing activity.
Students will work in cooperative learning groups when they develop and execute the plans concerning the Heart Disease Symposium and Valentines' Day fundraiser scheduled for the month of February. The symposium is also a service learning project because the students will invite the public to attend. This is a great opportunity for the students to give back to the community. Several local televisions stations will be invited to cover the event. The entire project will be conducted by the students. Students will plan the program, serve as moderator, develop questions, advertise the event, invite the speakers, decorate the school for the event and last but not least clean up after the event. Students will take a trip to the Franklin Institute using the funds they raised from the Valentines' Day project. Students will have the opportunity to walk through a large model of the heart at the Franklin Institute. They will write about this experience in their science journals.