Annotated Bibliography
Texts are grouped together by topics.
Film Texts
Bordwell, David, and Kristin Thompson. Film art: an introduction. 5th ed. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, 1997.
This is pretty typical college level film text book. It offers lots of good examples, but
reads a bit dry.
Giannetti, Louis D. Understanding movies. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1972.
This is another college level film text book. Giannetti's book isn't as dry and has an easier readability factor.
Media Literacy Resources
"Media and Information Literacy Curriculum for Teachers | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization." United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.>.
This is UNESCO's own curriculum for media and informational literacy. This is a very thorough document that also provides their own curriculum and lots of additional resources.
"National Association for Media Literacy Education." National Association for Media Literacy Education.>.
This website provides a lot of good information about the principles of media literacy education.
Rideout, Victoria, Ulla Foehr, and Donald Roberts. Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8-to 18-Year Olds. Menlo Park: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2010.
This is one of the most recent, comprehensive studies on the impact of media in children, adolescence, and teens.
"Study Guides Columbia Journalism Review." Columbia Journalism Review.>.
This site offers lots of great assignments and it also has a very comprehensive section called "Who Owns What" which outlines media conglomerates and their companies.
Common Core State Standards Resources
"Common Core State Standards Initiative | Home." Common Core State Standards Initiative | Home.>.
This resource features the common core state standards.
"Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers | PARCC." Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers | PARCC.>.
PARCC is one of the consortiums states are using for Common Core.
"Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium." Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium.>.
SMARTER is one of the consortiums states are using for Common Core.