Guide Entry to 12.02.10
This unit, designed for a high school senior English class, will use Barbara Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible to examine how writers create voice, how voice creates character, and what the writer and the character are trying to convey through their choices in diction, syntax, detail, tone, and sensory language. The students will then examine how these stylistic techniques work together to create the larger meaning of the work as a whole, and how Kingsolver uses stylistic voice to raise larger questions about who is able or permitted to speak for themselves in society. During the unit students will have various opportunities to write analytical pieces, participate in large group discussions, and work with a small group to teach a portion of the novel to the class.
(Developed for AP English Literature and Composition, grade 12; recommended for AP English Literature and Composition, grade 12, and English, grades 11-12)