Storytelling: Fictional Narratives, Imaginary People, and the Reader's Real Life


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale and School Context
  3. Objectives
  4. Elements of Successful Storytelling
  5. Storytelling Resources
  6. Classroom Strategies
  7. Assessment
  8. Lesson Plan Activity #1
  9. Lesson Plan Activity #2
  10. Works Cited
  11. Endnotes

The Storytelling Cycle: Navigating Our Way through the Listening and Sharing of Stories

Derrick Kimbrough

Published September 2012

Tools for this Unit:

Lesson Plan Activity #1

The Storytelling Cycle: Navigating Our Way through the Listening and Sharing of Stories


SL5.1 – Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Informational Text

No text used for this activity

Description of Tasks

Task 1: Students will activate their prior knowledge by providing input towards the completion of the classroom and their individual K-W-L charts (What they Know, What they Want to Know, and What They Learned) focusing on the topic of Storytelling.

Task 2: Students will periodically update his or her individual K-W-L charts within Writing Notebooks with information highlighting their learning throughout the unit.

Directions for Administering Activities

1. Start a classroom discussion by asking students what they know about the topic of "Storytelling."

2. Provide students the opportunity to create their own K-W-L chart within his or her Writing Notebook.

3. Allow students time to provide written responses for the K and W sections within his or her individual charts.

4. Provide students with the opportunity to go through a think-pair-share activity with a partner to formulate ideas to share as a whole group.

5. Randomly select students to share their ideas to be incorporated into the class K-W-L Chart.

Special Education Students

Students will be provided additional time and resources, if necessary, to meet the needs of their IEP (this can include peer buddies to assist in completing his or her K-W-L Chart).

English Language Learners

Students will be provided with access to information to assist them in their native language in order to assess their achievement of the comprehension standards.


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