Could YOU be President?: Explaining and Exploring Presidential Possibility through Autobiography
Tara Ann Carter
Published September 2012
Tools for this Unit:
Clinton Rossiter, "The Powers of the Presidency," in The American Presidency,
Sidney M. Milkis and Michael Nelson, "The Constitutional Convention," in The American Presidency:
Origins and Development 1776–2007, 1.
Ibid., 3.
Clinton Rossiter, "The Powers of the Presidency," in The American Presidency, 41.
Allen Fletcher Coe, "The President's Pen: A Literary History of American Presidential
Autobiographies" (PhD diss., University of Maryland, 2010), 2.
Ibid., i.
George Egerton, "Politics and Autobiography: Political Memoir as Polygenre," in biography 15,
no. 3 (1992): 221.
William. L Howarth, "Some Principles of Autobiography", in New Literary History 5, no. 2
(1974): 365–366.
"Abraham Lincoln's Brief and Modest Autobiography; Written in His Own Handwriting in the Year 1860",
Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1909, 2.
Abraham Lincoln, "Autobiographical Sketch Written for Jesse W. Fell, December 20, 1859," in The
Autobiography of Abraham Lincoln, 34.
Ibid., 34.
Ibid., 32.
Ibid., 33.
Bill Clinton, My Life, 63.
Ibid., 63.
Ibid., 59.
Bill Clinton, My Life, 12.
"In their own words; Political memoirs," The Economist 392, no. 8649 (2009): 39.
Allen Fletcher Coe, "The President's Pen: A Literary History of American Presidential
Autobiographies" (PhD diss., University of Maryland, 2010), 264.
Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father", 49.
Ibid., 93.
Ibid., 100.
Besty Huang, "Eagle: The Making of an Asian–American President Review", in MELUS 32, no 3
(2007): 283.
Paul Gravett, "The All–Encompassing," in Manga: Sixty Years of Japanese Comics,
Holger Briel, "The Roving Eye Meets Traveling Pictures: The Field of Vision and the Global Rise of
Adult Manga," in Comics as a Nexus of Cultures, 187.
Ibid., 40.
Paul Gravett, "Japanese Spirit, Western Learning," in Manga: Sixty Years of Japanese Comics,