Formative Assessment
I have selected benchmark MARS (Math Assessment Resource Service) tasks to gauge students' understanding of key concepts as we progress through the unit. These tasks include the skills of analyzing claims, converting metric units to measure equivalent portions, efficient packaging of products, packaging products with equivalent volumes into different shaped containers, reading food data on a scatter plot, and analyzing averages to determine whether or not they are accurate measures of data in specific cases.
Each task is scaffolded to guide students from very basic application of the skills to more advanced reasoning. Each also has an accompanying analytical rubric that breaks the task into pieces of demonstrating mastery; students will understand exactly which pieces they understand and which need further clarification. The tasks incorporate reasoning into students' responses, which will allow me to pinpoint misconceptions.
Other forms of formative, informal assessment will include exit slips for students to reflect on the process and content and to express confusion, my observations in small group time, and conferences with students.
Summative Assessment
To measure how well students have met the objectives of this unit, they will create multimedia public service announcements to communicate their problems, data, and proposed solutions to the topics they study. I have included a rubric for this component in the appendix. Students will also design infographics to convey the same information in their PSAs, only in print form that will be distributed to their target audiences. Infographics are visual ways to represent data that have something to do with the topic of the data. Creating these will give students practice in communicating concisely and representing data in a visual format. They will have to justify their decisions for what they include in each representation using a self-assessment tool.