Energy, Environment, and Health


  1. Unit Guide
  1. The Unit
  2. Why I chose this topic
  3. Why I think it is Important
  4. The Unit
  5. Background Information
  6. Conclusion
  7. Activities
  8. Appendix 1: Core Curriculum Standards Sixth Grade
  9. Appendix 2: Table 1
  10. Works Cited
  11. Annotated Bibliography

Energy, Environment and Health Electromagnetic Fields: Are They Buzzing You?

Kristy Michelle Hutton

Published September 2012

Tools for this Unit:

Background Information

Electricity and Power Lines

Electricity is the most common form of energy used in the United States and several countries around the world. How is the power from the energy plants transmitted to where we need it? Power lines are used to move the electrical currents from the original source to homes and businesses across populated areas. Most power lines are suspended in the air running from power tower to power tower; some lines are placed underground. The amount of power that a line transmits is simply the product of its voltage and current 1. Power systems are designed so that line voltage is held relatively constant over time while currents are permitted to rise and fall with power demand 2. These lines emit an electrical magnetic force, also known as EMFs. These lines are necessary to run currents of electricity to residential and business populations.

Public concern regarding towers first began in the 1960's, with most of the focus on the aesthetic impact of the large towers, on the esthetic and ecological impacts of rights of way and on various nuisance effects created by their strong electric fields. The public also complained about noise levels. In 1989, approximately 350,000 miles of transmission line and about 2 million miles of distribution line crossed the United States to supply electricity to the ever growing population. 3 The AEP (American Electric Power Company) services eleven states in the Mid-West and reports to have 39,000 miles of transmission lines and 223,000 miles of distribution lines that deliver electricity to 5.3 million customers. 4 The building of towers and distribution lines will continue to increase as long as the population continues to be dependent on electricity.

What are EMFs and where can they be found?

Electromagnetic fields are found almost anywhere. They occur naturally in nature and are also found in and near devices that are powered by energy. Wherever electricity is generated, transmitted, distributed, or used, electric and magnetic fields are created, often at significant intensities, due to the presence and motion of electric charges. 5 These fields are not only found near electrical lines, they are emitted from household appliances, cell phones and any other electrical device. Thunderstorms produce electrical fields, as well as, the Earth's core.

Electric fields occur when voltage moves across a line. Electric fields are measured in Volts. These fields are always present, even when a device is turned off. You can decrease your exposure to electric fields by creating distance between yourself and the source. Also, most building materials will shield you from electric fields. Magnetic fields occur when currents flow through wires. These fields exist as soon as a device is switched on or a current flows. Field strength decreases with distance; however, most building materials do not shield you from magnetic fields. Together these fields are known as electromagnetic fields. EMFs are relied on to help run microwaves, televisions and radios. EMFs are also responsible for holding atoms together in chemical compounds. 6 People are unable to sense these fields (with an exception of a rare few that claim to be allergic) and EMFs are not visible by the human eye, even though they are present everywhere.

Measuring EMFs

EMFs produce signals in the form of waves. These waves are known as a sine wave. 7 Sine waves create measurable fields; EMFs are measured in units called milliGauss (mG). Measured units drop off significantly with distance: so the further away from an EMF the lower the exposure. Background EMF levels in homes range from 0.5 to 3mG with higher reading in front of major appliances (washer, dryer, refrigerator, television). There is no set public health safety standard for EMF levels. Most reports suggest keeping exposure rates fewer than 10mG and staying 300 feet away from power lines. 8

A report by the U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, has provided EMF measurements of common electrical devices found in our everyday lives. Below are the mean (average) measurements of some devices while in use.


Information in this graph was provided by the Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, Radiation Studies Division, US Environmental Protection Agency

Possible health risks associated with EMFs

Scientist began looking at EMFs and the possible effect on human health in the 1970's. The studies came about because several electrical workers in the Soviet Union began reporting illness that could be related to the transmission towers and the EMFs that were released in the immediate area. The reports were easily dismissed by Western medicine; however the public latched on to the theory.

Ever since the Soviets complained of the EMFs possibly causing negative health issues, studies have been conducted in the United States and other parts of the world. These studies have had different results. Some studies have found related links to EMFs and health issue. Several studies suggest that health risks related to EMF depend on many variables including duration of field exposure, strength of the field, the person's mass and age, general health, and probably genetic predisposition or vulnerability to cancer. 9


In 1979, a study was released that looked as the possibility of EMFs from power lines having a direct correlation to childhood cancer (leukemia). This study was conducted by Wertheimer and Leeper in Denver on children that had lived in homes near high current distribution lines as compared to those living further away from the lines. The study looked at 344 cases and 344 controls and concluded that those living near the distribution lines with higher exposure to EMFs had a 1.6 to 2.2 fold higher incidence of cancer than controls. 10 The findings of this study were disputed because they only looked at cases of death from cancer instead of all cases of cancer in the area.

Many other studies have since tried to link EMFs with health problems. A study conducted in Sweden and reported by Tomenius in 1986 found that there were more electrical constructions near the homes of cases of children with cancer than with the control group. Another study, conducted in Denver by Savitz, was very similar to the study conducted in 1979 by Wertheimer and Leeper. However, Savitz paid attention to more factors that were identified as weak in the first study. Savitz results showed that a child in a high exposure area was much more likely to have cancer than the control groups located in lower exposure areas. 11

While the above mentioned studies found a possible correlation between EMFs and childhood cancer, many other studies have had contradictory results. In 1989 the U.S. Congress released material to calm the populations' fears as to health concerns of EMFs. The report summarized Wertheimer and Leeper's study, as well as, Savitz' study. The report also included more research that found inconclusive evidence of the relationship on EMFs and health concerns. Two other studies that were included in the Congress material from 1989 have found no relationship between exposure to EMFs and cancer (particularly leukemia).

The studies were conducted in Rhode Island and Yorkshire, England. The Rhode Island Study included 119 childhood leukemia incidence cases and 240 controls, and was similar to the Wertheimer and Leeper study. The study in Yorkshire looked at all children diagnosed with cancer during 1970-1979, a total of 376 cases and 591 controls. Residence classification was first made in terms of proximity to overhead power lines. Among those of the homes within 100m of the power lines, EMFs were estimated. There was no relationship observed between cancer incidence and either exposure. 12

Cell functions in humans and animals have been disturbed from EMF exposure. Effects have been reported as the result of EMF exposure including changes in cell membrane function, metabolism, cellular signal communication, cell stress and possible cell death. 13 Some scientists believe that cell disruption caused by exposure to EMFs could lead to the decrease in melatonin production of the body. Various cancers might result if melatonin is lowered in the body. Decreased melatonin levels have been implicated in breast cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian malignancies. 14

Even though several studies have been done, there are still mixed results as to the possibility that EMFs may contribute to cancer. The U.S. Congress report went on to say that the studies by Wertheimer and Leeper and Savitz do show some evidence that EMF exposure could cause cancer, overall evidence is too weak to allow firm conclusions on the correlation of EMFs as a cancer promoter. 15


More and more studies are being done on EMFs because people are now claiming to have sensitivity to electrical fields (electrical and magnetic fields were previously described as undetectable to humans at one time) as more and more advanced technology is developed. Symptoms that people have reported are a warm or burning feeling, a tingling sensation across the face or other body parts, extreme dryness of mucus membranes and swelling of nose, throat, ears or sinuses without any infectious cause. Problems with concentration, loss of memory and dizziness have also been reported, as well as, headaches and nausea. 16 It has been suggested that people feeling the above symptoms should look at their environments and note if any new electrical devices have been introduced, including, but not limited to, Wi-Fi technology, cell phones, computers or television sets. Research has suggested to remove oneself completely from the modern world (go camping) for a short time; if all of the ailments go away, then one could be sensitive to EMFs. Of course this is widely debated since research has shown that stress could have the same effects on health as the ones mentions above.

Other Health Impairments

Other studies have suggested that exposure to EMFs for long durations could cause behavioral changes, aggravation, aggression, and miscarriages. Research has shown that exposures to EMF are linked to heart-rate variability, blood pressure problems, acute myocardial infarction, and abnormal patterns that can be detected with an electrocardiograph. 17 In a study by Dr. De-Kum Li, the risks of possible miscarriages were higher in people routinely exposed to EMFs. 18 The miscarriage risks were correlated to the use of electric blankets, however, there is still much debate concerning the findings. EMFs can also affect sleep patterns. A study by Dr. R. Huber exposed male volunteers to the radiation from a mobile phone for thirty minutes before they went to sleep. This exposure resulted in changes in the electrical signals of the brain and reduced the amount of sleep and sleep efficiency. 19 There is also evidence that EMFs have contributed to symptoms of headache, fatigue, fuzzy-headedness, memory problems and depression. 20

There are numerous studies that shown a relationship to EMF and health impairments, while just as many other studies would deny the relationship. Studies have shown that EMFs tend to pose more health problems for occupational workers, pregnant woman and young children. Future tests and studies will continue to arise on this subject matter. The World Health Organization has started to collect and look at data of EMFs. I think this is a topic that will continue to be researched for a long time, especially as society becomes more and more dependent on technology.

Positive Applications of EMFs

Not all hope is lost; EMFs have also been looked at to help treat patients with certain ailments. Electro chemotherapy has been used in cancer patients where efficient cancer therapy has been hard to find. The thought is that the electric fields help break down or kill cells (as stated above as negative effects) exposing cancer agents and speed immune system response. 21 EMFs have also been used to help repair bone fractures that have stopped healing and has also been used in clinics for therapeutic

purposes. 22 One study completed on mice concluded that EMF exposure could be an effective, non-invasive and drug-free way to prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease in humans. The research suggested that the increase in brain temperature helped the Alzheimer's brain to remove newly-formed beta-amyloidal plaque (a peptide of 36-43 amino acids) and boosted memory. 23 As with all studies, these are widely disputed, stating that there is not enough evidence to prove that the electromagnetic field is the lone cause for the results. Too many other factors could have contributed to the results.

I will say that it was difficult for me to find examples of positive information related to EMFs. Most studies conducted were looking at possible harmful effects of EMFs or disproving harmful results of EMFs by stating that there was not an association between EMFs and health impairments. The three positive examples that I came across were buried in negative or inconclusive studies regarding EMFs.

Legal Actions

In November 1985 a case was brought before the courts in Harris County, Houston, Texas. The Houston Lighting and Power Company sued the Klein Independent School District of Houston over a 345,000 volt transmission line that crossed school property.

The problem had begun in 1981, when the company instituted condemnation proceedings for eight and a half acres of the school district's land, and built a power line that ran within 300 feet of an elementary school, 130 feet from and intermediate school, and less than 250 feet from a high school. From the outset, Donald Collins, the superintendent of the district, had raised questions about the possible health effects of the power line, and when he received no satisfactory answers to his queries the school board had refused to grant Houston Lighting and Power a right of way, and the company sued. 24

Several specialists and scientists that have studied EMFs, including Nancy Wertheimer, were called to testify in this case. The jury found in favor of the Klein Independent School District stating that the Houston Lighting and Power Company had "abused its discretion" by not informing the school of possible health risks and that this constituted a "willful and unreasoning action", so the company was ordered to pay the school district $104, 275 as compensation for actual damages. The company was also required to pay a restoration fee for restoring the school property to its original condition of $42,113, well as $25 million dollars in punitive damages. 25 This judgment was appealed and found its way through the court system ending at the Texas Supreme Court in 1986. The Court upheld the original judgment and ordered the power line down. In 1987, the Appeals Court reversed the $25 million punitive damage award because the power company had been in technical compliance with the Texas Property Code but upheld the rest of the verdict ruling that the jury had been correct in finding "clear and convincing evidence" of potential health hazards caused by electromagnetic fields. 26 The power line was removed from the school's property and more lawsuits were brought against the power company; one from a family whose land had been condemned by Houston Lighting. The lawsuits alleged that the EMF from the lines was responsible for brain tumor that a family member developed in 1987. Later the lawsuits that were brought against the power company were dropped.

In 1996 a policeman in Virginia filed a suit with the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission stating that his testicular cancer was caused by his hand-held radar gun. 27 The policeman had his doctors testify that leaving his radar gun in his lap was a direct result of his testicular cancer. Even the doctor that testified for the city had stated that his exposure was "bothersome". The commission ruled that the policeman had proved "to a reasonable degree of medical certainty" that his disease was caused by exposure to radar. However, his claim was denied because he had filed too late. The city decided to compensate him by paying for his medical expenses that were not covered by insurance and restore his sick leave instead of fighting the appeals process.

Several lawsuits have been brought up against power companies and manufactures of appliances and technological devices, especially cell phone manufactures as of recent. It seems most lawsuits tend to not get through the legal process mostly because of cost reason. Several cases in recent years have sided with large companies due to lack of evidence that EMFs are the main cause to the particular health impairment. 28

Ways to help reduce exposure to EMFs

Electromagnetic fields are everywhere, so how does one go about protecting themselves from possible overexposure? While the controversy continues over the possible health of effects of EMFs, there are simple steps one can take to reduce their exposure. The first and most obvious way to reduce exposure would be to distance yourself from the source. The further away the lower the field level. Other suggests are as follows:

  • Use battery operated equipment- they use less of a current
  • Unplug any electrical devices not in use
  • Do not place your bed near a wall where cables, water pipes, dimmer switches, or ceiling fan controls are located
  • Try not to place your bed near a wall that has a large electrical device on the other side: refrigerator, television, computers, electrical boxes
  • Use cell phones only as needed (try to use a land line for long durations) and try not to carry phones on your body
  • Do not rest your laptop on your legs
  • Keep a distance of at least three feet from computer screens and hard drives
  • Use electric dryers as little as possible, do not over dry clothes
  • Do not use an electric blank all night. Use it to warm the bed before getting in, then turn it off and unplug it.
  • Nightlights should not be located next to the bed
  • Do not sit too close to a television. Six feet or more is suggested as a safe distance. Be sure to read the owner information manual for exact recommendations from the manufacture
  • Do not stand next to a microwave oven that is in use
  • Use a regular toothbrush instead of an electric one
  • Buy low emission appliances
  • Keep copy machines away from work areas
  • Before purchasing a new home have EMFs measured
  • Install a demand switch which cuts power of to a circuit when a circuit is not being used
  • Do not build within 300 feet of power lines or transformer stations
  • Try to become less dependent on the national power grid and look for alternatives such as solar power


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