Annotated Bibliography
Resources for Teachers
Bakis, Maureen.The Graphic Novel Classroom: Powerful Teaching and Learning with
Images. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press, 2012. This is a great resource for teaching graphic novels. There are teaching strategies and activities for Persepolis that would be useful for teaching this unit.
Carey, Gillenwater. "Lost Literacy: How Graphic Novels Can Recover Visual Literacy in
the Literacy Classroom.."Afterimage. 37, no. 2 (2009): 33-36. (accessed July 8, 2013). This is a good article if you are interested in understanding the benefits of using graphic novels in the classroom.
Eilam, Billie.Teaching, Learning, and Visual Literacy. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2012. This book stresses the importance of visual literacy in curriculum.
Frye, Richard Nelson.Iran. New York: Holt, 1953. Though old, has good information.
Hooglund, Eric J.Twenty Years of Islamic Revolution: Political and Social Transition in
Iran since 1979. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 2002. Print. This book gives a detailed account of the Islamic Revolution.
Mitchell, W. J. T.Picture Theory: Essays on Verbal and Visual Representation. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1994. This is an essay on verbal and visual representation in literature. It provides relevant and useful knowledge of theory for teachers.
Moeller, Robin. "Convincing the Naysayers...."Knowledge Quest. 41, no. 3 (2013) 12-17. (accessed July 8, 2013). This is a wonderful article, again, on how graphic novels are useful in the classroom. This would be a good article to give to skeptics of the graphic novel in the classroom.
Monnin, Katie. "Aligning Graphic Novels to the Common Core Standards"Knowledge Quest. 41, no. 3 (2013): 50-56. (accessed July 8, 2013). This is an excellent resource that provides information for aligning graphic novels to the Common Core Standards. It is a great resource for teachers. This would be a good article to bring to administration in defense of teaching the graphic novel.
O'Malley, Andrew and Nima, Naghibi. "Estranging the Familiar: "East" and "West" in
Satrapi's Persepolis."English Studies in Canada.31.2-3 (2005): 223-247.(accessed July 8, 2013). This article provides good analysis of Satrapi's blend of Eastern and Western culture throughout Persepolis.
Pellico, Linda; Honan, Linda; Friedlaender, Linda; and Kristopher Fennie. "Looking is
not seeing: using art to improve observational skills.."Journal of Nursing Education48
no. 11 (2009): 648-653. (accessed July 15, 2013).
0090828_02/10_3928_01484834_20090828_02.pdf. This article
provides an explanation of Linda Friedlaender's strategy for analyzing art.
Suroosh, Irfani.Revolutionary Islam in Iran: Popular Liberation or Religious
Dictatorship? London: Zed Press, 1983. This is another book on the Islamic Revolution in Iran. It provides useful background information for teachers. It is a bit dense.
Resources for Students
"BBC News , In Pictures." BBC News - Home. (accessed August 1, 2013). The images found in this BBC collection will help students to understand the Islamic Revolution. These images will prompt questioning from students and create classroom discussion.
"BBC News - Iran Profile - Timeline." BBC - Homepage. (accessed August 1, 2013). This is an easy-to-read timeline that lays out the events in the history of Iran.
Cohen, Roger. "1979: Iran's Islamic Revolution" The New York Times Upfront , The News Magazine for High School. (accessed August 2, 2013). Iran This is a great non-fiction article for teens. This will provide good background information for the students on the Islamic Revolution.
"CPS 'Persepolis' Ban? Marjane Satrapi's Graphic Novel Inappropriate For 7th Graders,
District Says." Huffington Post. (accessed July 15, 2013). This article explains examines the controversy caused by Persepolis in Chicago Public Schools. This article prompts great discussion amongst students. Teachers can use this article to talk about censorship with students.
Satrapi, Marjane.Persepolis: The Story of Childhood. New York, NY: Pantheon Books, 2003. Print. This is the main text the students will be reading for this unit. The sequel, Persepolis 2, would also interest students.
Satrapi, Marjane. "Why I Wrote Persepolis."Reading and Writing Link.26, no. 3 (2003): 9 and 3. (accessed July 9, 2013). e=ehost-live. This is an excellent article for teachers and students. Marjane Satrapi explains her reasons for writing Persepolis.