1. David Hicks, "A Rationale for Global Education."
2. Independence High School - WASC Report 2012-2013
3. CSU ERWC Into the Wild Module
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Rachel Sagner Buurma, "Do Epigraphs Matter?"
7. Ibid.
8. Jane Worthington, ed., The Poems of TS Eliot, p. 1
9. Louise Rosenblatt, "Making Meaning"
10. Wolfgang Iser, The Implied Reader p. 281
11. Worthington, The Poems of TS Eliot, p. 1
12. Rachel Sager Buurma, "Do Epigraphs Matter?"
13. Ibid.
14. Ibid.
15. Gerard Genette, Paratexts: Thresholds of Interpretation
16. Ibid.
17. Ibid.
18. Laurence Perrine, "The Nature of Proof in the Interpretation of Poetry"
19. Ibid., 18
20. John Maynard, Literary Intention, Literary Interpretation, and Readers
21. E.D. Hirsch, Jr. The Aims of Interpretation p. 2
22. Ibid., 2
23. Perrine "The Nature of Proof in the Interpretation of Poetry"
24. Reuben Brower, The Fields of Light; an Experiment in Critical Reading p. 43
25. Ibid., 32
26. Ibid., 76
27. Jon Krakauer, Into the Wild p. 72
28. Hirsch, Jr., The Aims of Interpretation p. 49
29.. Iser, The Implied Reader p. 287
30. Maynard, Literary Interpretation, Literary Intention, and Readers
31. Iser, The Implied Reader p. 288