The Art of Biography


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Concepts/Content
  4. Principles of Biography
  5. Autobiography
  6. Strategies/Methods
  7. Classroom Activities
  8. Endnotes
  9. Resources
  10. Websites
  11. Appendix – Implementing District Standards
  12. Appendix – Home/School Connection

The Story of Me

Carol P. Boynton

Published September 2013

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix – Home/School Connection

Prior to beginning the Writer's Workshop unit, the following two documents should be sent home to families.

Note to Families

Dear Families,

We will begin working on an autobiography writing project soon. Each child will write a series of stories about his or her own life. We would like you to help us begin the project by doing the things described in this letter at home with your child.

1. To inspire your child's project, we are requesting personal photographs be sent to school. It would be most helpful if you could send in photographs that "tell a story" about your child. The autobiography series will be all about him or her, so it would be best if your child appears in the photograph somewhere. Ideas for photos:

• Other people with your child (family or friends)

• Your child doing something (playing baseball or dancing)

• Photos of your child in a special place he or she has visited

• Your child with a favorite object (a toy or book)

2. Write your child's name on the back of all the photographs and indicate one of the following:

• KEEP = we may keep the photo and use as sent in

• RETURN = we will reproduce the photo and return the original to you

3. After the photographs of your child have been selected, take time to talk about them. Share information about what is happening in the photos. Point out details.

4. Number the photographs. Work together with your child to complete the An Autobiography: Information About My Photos sheet. This will help your child write about the photos at school.

5. Send four photographs and the information sheet to school with your child by _______.

An Autobiography: Information about My Photos

Directions: First, label the photographs on the back 1–4. Second, together write details about each photo in the corresponding boxes below. Try to answer who? what? where? when? why? and how?



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