Guide Entry to 13.03.02
Throughout this unit my second grade students will be learning about the character traits and contributions of famous people in history by reading biographies and autobiographies. Additionally, students will be adding their own important stories into the genre by writing their own autobiography. Their learning supports Common Core standards in Language Arts, especially reading informational text, writing, and speaking and listening, as well as North Carolina Essential Standards for Social Studies. This unit will be integrated into these subjects starting at the beginning of the school year with parts being taught throughout the first half of the year and revisited as needed. Various strategies include using mentor texts, graphic organizers, timelines, technology and art integration, keeping a notebook, participating in a discussion, and writing a memoir. All of these strategies will be employed for students to better understand the Art of Biography.
(Developed for Integrated in Reading, Writing, and and Social Studies, grade 2; recommended for Reading, Writing, and Social Studies, grades K-5)