1. Draanen, Wendelin. Shredderman, 118.
2. Gabriel, Barbara, editor. Tainting History, 93.
3. Penningroth, Dylan. Writing Slavery's History, OAH Magazine of History, 13.
4. Foner, Eric & McGirr, Lisa, eds. American History Now, 75.
5. Jacobs, Harriet. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, ix.
6. Ibid, 15.
7. Ibid, 278.
8. Ibid, 301.
9. Fedric, Francis. Slave Life in Virginia and Kentucky, 103.
10. Ibid, 103.
11. Ibid, 110.
12. Carbado, Devon W. and Weise, Donald, editors. The Long Walk to Freedom", 194.
13. Ibid, 196.
14. Ibid, 200.
15. Ibid, 215.
16. Holroyd, Michael. Works on Paper-The Craft of Biography and Autobiography, 4.
17. Lee, Hermione. Biography, A Very Short Introduction, 1.
18. Ibid, 3.
19. Rhiel, Mary and Suchoff, David, eds. The Seduction of Biography, xiii.