Genetic Engineering and Human Health


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Background
  4. Strategies
  5. Activities
  6. Appendix A – Activity's Instructions
  7. Appendix B – State Standards
  8. Notes

The Evolution of Genetic Engineering

Laura Kessinger

Published September 2013

Tools for this Unit:


1. National Human Genome Research Institute. 2003: Human Genome Project Completed. August 12, 2012. (accessed July 11, 2013).

2. US National Library of Medicine. Chromosome 1. OCtober 2012. (accessed July 9, 2013).

3. Ibid

4. Ridley, Matt. Genome, The Autobiography of a species in 23 Chapters. New York: Harper Peremmial, 2006.

5. Ibid

6. Proteins found using Muller, Michael. From DNA to Protein. n.d. (accessed JUly 09, 2013).

7. Wiseman Institute of Science. insulin. March 18, 2013. (accessed July 9, 2013).

8. Blamire, John. Genotype and Phenotype Flow of Information. 2000. (accessed July 10, 2013).

9. University of California Museum of Paleontology. Genotype versus Phenotype. 2006. (accessed July 10, 2013).

10. National Human Genome Research Institute. "A Guide to your Genome." Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, October 2007.

11. Bender, Barbara. Farming in Prehistory, From hunter-gatherer to food producer. New York: St. Martin's Press, Inc, 1975.

12. Flannery, K. V., A. V. Kirkby, M. J. Kirkby, and A. W. Williams. "Farming Systems and Political Growth in Ancient Oaxaca." Science, 1967: 445-54.

13. Ibid Bender p5

14. Dimbley, G.W. Plants and Archaeology. London: John Baker Press, 1967.

15. United States Census Bureau. U.S. and World Population Clock. July 10, 2013. (accessed July 10, 2013).

16. Idid Bender p13

17. Ibid Bender p41

18. Wood, Roger J., and Vitezslav Orel. Genetic Prehistory in Selective Breeding: A Prelude to Mendel. North Yorkshire: J&L Composition Ltd, 2001.

19. Ibid p72

20. Ibid p63

21. O'Neil, Dennis. Mendel's Genetics. 2013. (accessed July 10, 2013)

22. Ibid National Human Genome Research Institute

23. Genetics Home Reference. Hemophilia. August 2012. (accessed July 11, 2013).

24. Solway, Andrew. Using Genetic Technology. Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2009.

25. Ibid p25

26. Ibid p26

27. Fedoroff, Nina V., and Nancy Marie Brown. Mendel in the Kitchen. Washington DC: Joseph Henry Press, 2004. p111

28. Ibid p100-108

29. Ibid p7

30. Parekh, Sarad R. The GMO Handbook. Totowa, New Jersey: Humana, 2004.

31. Bowers, Dr. Patricia. Reading and Writing in the Science Classroom. 2000. (accessed July 30, 2013).

32. Lab Sheet designed by Madeline Keleher, adapted and used with her permission, no copyright necessary.


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