Understanding History and Society through Images, 1776-1914


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. School Demographics
  4. Historical Background
  5. Art Historical Background
  6. Strategies
  7. Classroom Activities
  8. Suggested Paintings
  9. Resources
  10. Appendix
  11. Notes

American Genre Painting: Visual Representations of Slavery and Emancipation, 1850-1870

Tara Ann Carter

Published September 2014

Tools for this Unit:


1. Hugh Honour, The Image of the Black in Western Art, 214.

2. Ibid., 214.

3. Ibid.,214.

4. Alain Locke, "Foreward" in The Negro in Art, (New York: Hacker Art Books, 1940), 3.

5. Elizabeth Johns, "Standing Outside the Door" in American Genre Painting, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991), 100

6. Stephen Johnson, Burnt Cork: Traditions and Legacies of Blackface Minstrelsy (Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, 2012).

7. Elizabeth Johns, "Ordering the Body Politic" in American Genre Painting (New Haven: Yale UnivesrityUniversity Press, 1991), 7.

8. Elizabeth Johns, "Introduction" in American Genre Painting, (Yale University Press: New Haven), xii-xiii.

9. Elizabeth Johns, "Standing Outside the Door" in American Genre Painting, (Yale University Press: New Haven), 103.

10. Ibid., 103. and Hugh Honor in "Two Major Themes: Slave Sales and Fugitives" in The Image of the Black in Western Art, (Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA), 206.

11. Hugh Honour, "Negro Life" in The Image of the Black in Western Art, (Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA), 222.

12. Angela L. Miller, Janet C. Berlo, Bryan Wolf and Jennifer L. Roberts, "The Cultural Work of Genre Painting" in American Encounters, (Upper Saddle River: Pearson Higher Education), 193.

13. Elizabeth Johns, "Standing Outside the Door" in American Genre Painting, (Yale University Press: New Haven), 108.

14. Albert Boime, "Triangular Trade and Triangular Composition" in The Art of Exclusion, (Smithsonian Institution Press: Washington, D.C.), 16.

15. Elizabeth Jones, "Introduction" in American Genre Painting, (Yale University Press: New Haven), xvii.

16. Elizabeth Jones, "Ordering the Body Politic" in American Genre Painting, (Yale University Press: New Haven), 11.

17. Michael Janofsky, "Philadelphia Mandates Black History for Graduation". New York Times, June 25, 2005.


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