Barringer, T. J.. "Modern Life." In Reading the Pre-Raphaelites. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998. 97-120. Background on Victorian era.
Bruni, Stephen, and James Duff. Howard Pyle: The Artist & His Legacy. Wilmington, DE, The Delaware Art Museum, 1987. Background on Howard Pyle.
Calkins, Lucy, and Mary Ehrenworth. Pathways to the common core: accelerating achievement. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2012. My WPP staff read this book in our PLC's.
Cassatt, Mary, and Mara R. Witzling. Mary Cassatt: a private world: illustrations from paintings from the National Gallery of Art, Washington. New York: Universe, 1991. Background on Mary Cassatt.
Cassatt, Mary, and R. Stanley Johnson. Mary Cassatt: early graphic works 1878-1891, including works from the collection of Edgar Degas. Chicago, IL: R.S. Johnson Fine Art, 2011. Background on Mary Cassatt.
Connor, Jane, and Jennifer Kalis. Mary Cassatt: family pictures. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 2003. Background on Mary Cassatt.
Cowling, Mary. "Genre: Painters of Incident and Domestic Life." In Victorian narrative painting. London: Tate Pub., 2000. 9-51. Background on Victorian era.
Gouveia, Georgette, and Mary Cassatt. The essential Mary Cassatt. New York: Wonderland Press, 2001. Background on Mary Cassatt.
May, Jill P., and Robert E. May. Howard Pyle: Imagining an American School of Art. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 2011. Background on Howard Pyle.
Nochlin, Linda. Women, art, and power: and other essays. New York: Harper & Row, 1988. Background on gender roles.
Pyle, Howard. The Book of Pirates.Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 1921. Background on Howard Pyle and pirates.
Pyle, Howard, and Jeff A. Menges. Pirates, patriots, and princesses: the art of Howard Pyle. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2006. Background on Howard Pyle.
"What Are the Benefits of Kids Learning to Draw?" Everyday Life. (accessed July 29, 2014). Background on drawing.