Understanding History and Society through Images, 1776-1914


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Brief Biographies of Howard Pyle and Mary Cassatt
  4. Understanding History and Society through Visual Art Content
  5. Strategies
  6. Classroom Activities
  7. Appendix A
  8. Appendix B
  9. Appendix C
  10. Bibliography
  11. Notes

Taking a Close Look at Pirates and Mothers

Meredith Ostheimer

Published September 2014

Tools for this Unit:


Barringer, T. J.. "Modern Life." In Reading the Pre-Raphaelites. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998. 97-120. Background on Victorian era.

Bruni, Stephen, and James Duff. Howard Pyle: The Artist & His Legacy. Wilmington, DE, The Delaware Art Museum, 1987. Background on Howard Pyle.

Calkins, Lucy, and Mary Ehrenworth. Pathways to the common core: accelerating achievement. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2012. My WPP staff read this book in our PLC's.

Cassatt, Mary, and Mara R. Witzling. Mary Cassatt: a private world: illustrations from paintings from the National Gallery of Art, Washington. New York: Universe, 1991. Background on Mary Cassatt.

Cassatt, Mary, and R. Stanley Johnson. Mary Cassatt: early graphic works 1878-1891, including works from the collection of Edgar Degas. Chicago, IL: R.S. Johnson Fine Art, 2011. Background on Mary Cassatt.

Connor, Jane, and Jennifer Kalis. Mary Cassatt: family pictures. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 2003. Background on Mary Cassatt.

Cowling, Mary. "Genre: Painters of Incident and Domestic Life." In Victorian narrative painting. London: Tate Pub., 2000. 9-51. Background on Victorian era.

Gouveia, Georgette, and Mary Cassatt. The essential Mary Cassatt. New York: Wonderland Press, 2001. Background on Mary Cassatt.

May, Jill P., and Robert E. May. Howard Pyle: Imagining an American School of Art. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 2011. Background on Howard Pyle.

Nochlin, Linda. Women, art, and power: and other essays. New York: Harper & Row, 1988. Background on gender roles.

Pyle, Howard. The Book of Pirates.Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 1921. Background on Howard Pyle and pirates.

Pyle, Howard, and Jeff A. Menges. Pirates, patriots, and princesses: the art of Howard Pyle. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2006. Background on Howard Pyle.

"What Are the Benefits of Kids Learning to Draw?" Everyday Life. http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/benefits-kids-learning-draw-10618.html (accessed July 29, 2014). Background on drawing.


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