Resources – Annotated Bibliography "History of Santa Clara County, California.", accessed July 28, July, 2014, Ancestry Library information, including Census data and reports, is accessible through your Yale login or Yale VPN
Bemak, Fred and Rita Chi-Ying Chung. "Vietnamese Amerasians: Psychosocial Adjustment and Psychotherapy." Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development 25 (1): 79-88. 1997.
California State Board of Education. "California State Standards." California State Board of Education, accessed July 15, 2014,
Campi, Alicia. "From Refugees to Americans." 2005. Alicia Campi wrote this as a research assistant for the Immigration Policy Center City-Data.Com Owned and Operated by Advameg, Inc. © 2013 Onboard Informatics, Website © 2003-2014 Advameg, Inc., accessed July 29, 2014, On the homepage, type in your city name for a large volume of demographic data.
Creative Commons Attribution. "Heinlenville - San Jose's Chinatown." Next Vista For Learning, accessed July 15, 2014,
Flores, William V. "New Citizens, New Rights: Undocumented Immigrants and Latino Cultural Citizenship." Latin American Perspectives: 87-100. 2003.
Flores, William Vincent and Rina Benmayor. Latino Cultural Citizenship: Claiming Identity, Space, and Rights Beacon Press. 1997.
Fomby, Paula. "Mexican Migrants and their Parental Households in Mexico " v, 164 p.23 cm. New York : LFB Scholarly Pub. LLC, 2005.
Gilbert, Lauren Miranda and Bob Johnson. San Jose's Historic Downtown. Arcadia Publishing. 2004. This is a good source for historical photographs of San Jose. Arcadia Publishing series cover many ethnicities and cities.
Gold, Steve. "Americanization of Vietnamese." Society 27 (1): 72-75. 1989.
Gonzalez, Jose V. "Conversation on Immigration and Latino Culture." Interview. Dr. Gonzalez is the Principal at Mount Pleasant Elementary STEAM Academy, San Jose, California.
Guzmán, Betsy and Eileen Diaz McConnell. "The Hispanic Population: 1990–2000 Growth and Change." Population Research and Policy Review 21 (1-2): 109-128. 2002. Great breakdown of the U.S. Census "Hispanic or Latino" group.
Haines, David W. "Kinship in Vietnamese Refugee Resettlement: A Review of the U.S. Experience." Journal of Comparative Family Studies 19 (1): 1-16. 1988.
Hayden, Dolores. "The Power of Place: Urban Landscapes as Public History" MIT press. 1997.
History San Jose. "History San Jose." Alida J. Bray, accessed July 14, 2014,
History San Jose. "San Jose: City with a Past." Google, accessed July 15, 2014,
Hossfeld, Karen J. "Hiring Immigrant Women: Silicon Valley's "simple Formula"." Women of Color in US Society: 65-93. 1994. "Japantown San Jose.", accessed July 15, 2014,
Jiménez, Francisco, García, Alma M., Garcia,Richard A., Ethnic Community Builders : Mexican Americans in Search of Justice and Power : The Struggle for Citizenship Rights in San José, California. Lanham: AltaMira Press. 2007.
Macias, Thomas. Mestizo in America : Generations of Mexican Ethnicity in the Suburban Southwest. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 2006.
Market Street Chinatown Archaeology Project. "There was a Chinatown here." Wordpress, Market Street Chinatown Archaeology Project, accessed July 15, 2014,
Massey, Douglas S. "The Settlement Process among Mexican Migrants to the United States." American Sociological Review: 670-684. 1986.
Nathenson-Mejía, Sally and Kathy Escamilla. "Connecting with Latino Children: Bridging Cultural Gaps with Children's Literature." Bilingual Research Journal 27 (1): 101-116. 2003.
National Park Service. "Santa Clara County: California's Historic Silicon Valley A, National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary." National Park Service, accessed July 15, 2014,
Nguyen, Mariah Nhu and Kurt C. Organista. "Vietnam Amerasians: Assimilation and Adjustment Problems in the United States." Journal of Multicultural Social Work 6 (1-2): 77-91. 1997.
Olvera, Jacqueline and Douglas Rae. "Post-Urbanism, Incorporation, and Migration." International Migration 49 (4): 23-47. 2011. doi:
Path, Kosal. "The Economic Factor in the Sino-Vietnamese Split, 1972–75: An Analysis of Vietnamese Archival Sources." Cold War History 11 (4): 519-555. 2011.
Pham, Ava. "Phone Conversation on Immigration and Vietnamese Culture." Interview, 2014. Ava Pham serves Vietnamese families in the community as a Professional Counselor at the Alum Rock Counseling Center.
Pitti, Stephen J. The Devil in Silicon Valley: Northern California, Race, and Mexican Americans Princeton University Press. 2003.
Quintero Ramirez, Cirila. "Migration and Maquiladoras on Mexico's Northern Border." Migration World Magazine 28 (3): 14-18. 2000.
Regua, Nannette and Arturo Villarreal. Mexicans in San José. Arcadia Publishing. 2009. This is good for historical photographs and information of Mexicans in San Jose. The Arcadia Publishing series covers many ethnicities and cities.
Reynolds,Diane Adele Trombetta. "Economic Integration and Cultural Assimilation : Mexican-Americans in San Jose.". 1977.
Rodriguez, Joseph A. "Ethnicity and the Horizontal City: Mexican Americans and the Chicano Movement in San Jose, California." Journal of Urban History 21 (5): 597-621. 1995.
Rouse, Roger. "Making Sense of Settlement: Class Transformation, Cultural Struggle, and Transnationalism among Mexican Migrants in the United States." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 645 (1): 25-52. 1992.
Schoolnet. Pre-formatted reports: Demographic overview. Schoolnet [database online]. MPESD, San Jose, California, 2014 [cited April 25 2014]. Available from (accessed April 25, 2014).
Shelton, Tamara Venit. "A More Loyal, Union Loving People Can Nowhere Be Found": Squatters'Rights, Secession Anxiety, and the 1861" Settlers'War" in San Jose." Western Historical Quarterly 41 (4). 2010.
Smithsonian, National Museum of American History, Kenneth E. Behring Center. "Bittersweet Harvest: The Bracero Program, 1942-1964." Smithsonian, National Museum of American History, Kenneth E. Behring Center, accessed July 15, 2014,
Sonneborn, Liz. "Vietnamese Americans," Infobase Publishing. 2007.
Suárez-Orozco, Marcelo M., Carola Suárez-Orozco, and Desirée Qin-Hilliard. The New Immigration: An Interdisciplinary Reader Psychology Press. 2005.
Takaki, Ronald T. A Different Mirror University of St. Thomas. 2007.
Teranishi, Robert T. "Yellow and Brown: Emerging Asian American Immigrant Populations and Residential Segregation." Equity & Excellence in Education 37 (3): 255-263. 2004.
The City of San Jose. Civic Plus, accessed July 15, 2014, Select the theme of demographic analysis and GIS mapping from census data listed. Use the search URL here for Cesar Chavez information.
Todd, Daniel. "Timetoast." Daniel Todd Ltd, accessed July 15, 2014, Use this website in class to create timelines and share online.
Yosso, Tara J. "Whose Culture has Capital? A Critical Race Theory Discussion of Community Cultural Wealth." Race Ethnicity and Education 8 (1): 69-91. 2005.
Zinn, Maxine Baca and Bonnie Thornton Dill. "Women of Color in US Society", Temple University Press. 2009.
Zlolniski, Christian. "In the Shadow of the Silicon Valley : Mexican Immigrant Workers in a Low-Income Barrio in San Jose." 1998.