1. Roach, Joseph. "Viva Voce". 110.
2. Coker, Jr., David, and Eileen Erwin. "Teaching Academic Argument in an Urban Middle School: A Case Study of Two Approaches". 36.
3. Bitter G, and Melissa Pierson. Using Technology in the Classroom. 100.
4. Allen, Rick. "Leveraging Technology to Improve Literacy"
5. Safire, William. Lend me your ears: great speeches in history. 95.
6. Kennedy, John F,. and Theodore C. Sorensen. Let the word go forth: The speeches, statements and writings of John F. Kennedy
7. Wills, Gary. Lincoln at Gettysburg: The words that remade America. 56.
8. Ibid. 171
9. Ibid. 158.
10. Safire. 696
11. Safire 697
12. Roosevelt, Franklin. "Miller Centrer: Fireside Chat #8: On Farmers and Laborers".
13. Fields, Wayne. Union of Words. 306.
14. Raphael, Timothy. The President Electric. 97.
15. Roosevelt
16. Fields. 306.
17. Fields. 305
18. Safire. 696.
19. Kennedy, John. "American Rhetoric: John F. Kennedy Address on the Space Program at Rice University".
20. Noonan, Peggy. On Speaking Well. 85-86.
21. Ibid. 83-84.
22. Ibid. 86.
23. Lopez-Cirugeda, Isabel, and Raquel Sanchez-Ruiz. "Persuasive Rhetoric in Barak Obama's Immigration Speech: Pre and Post-Electoral Strategies". 96.
24. Ibid. 95.
25. Obama, Barak. "Remarks by the President on Comprehensive Immigration Reform".
26. Brewer, Jan. "Governor Jan Brewer Address Upon Signing Arizona SB 1070"
27. " National Press Club Luncheon with Antonio Villaraigosa Mayor of Los Angeles"
28. "Improving Educational Choice and Competition; Keynote by Governor Bobby Jindal". The Brookings Institution.
29. Warren, Elizabeth. "Floor Speech on Minimum Wage Vote".
30. Cruz, Ted. "The Minimum Wage Act Hurts the Most Vulnerable Among Us".
31. Warren.
32. The Trust for Public Land. Advertisement.
33. McDonalds. Advertisement.
34. Corbett, Edward, P. J. and Robert Connors. Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student. 409-411.